
Can roulette be beaten all the time?

by Guest11074  |  earlier

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i know the answer to this but i wanna know what others think and what stradegies they have tried.




  1. Well, given that there is no legal method a player can do to change the house advantage on roulette, no!

  2. Roulette can't be beaten most of the time.

  3. Roulette is a series of independent events with a house edge of 2.7% (single  zero) or 5.26% (double zero). In the long run (all the time) it cannot be beaten!

    Past performance in roulette cannot be used to predict future performance.

    And even if there were a way to beat roulette, even just a small percentage in favor of the player, then the house would change the rules to eliminate it.

    Stay away from the roulette table, you cannot win at one in the long run. Try blackjack or craps instead, where the house odds can be much less.

    Good luck and Happy 4th of July!

  4. There is no single bet, combination of bets, or series of bets, that does not come accompanied with a house advantage, therefore, there is no way to beat the game.

    The only successful method to beat roullette that has been employed involves timing the speed of the ball and the speed of the wheel to predict (with a certain degree of accuracy large enough to overcome the hosue edge) where the ball will land and placing your bet at the last possible moment.

    This has been done using tiny computers carried by the player, and i once saw a book by an author who claims to be able to use a similer method with only his brain, i have my doubts but he claims to be able to do it.

    That is all, typically without cheating, there is no way to beat roullette period.

  5. In terms of probabability, even if you had a wheel with no zeros on it it would simply be an even money proposition, meaning things would even out over time, just as betting on flips of a coin at a 1:1 payout would be.  Roulette like all casino games are really for entertainment purposes only and the best you can do, for instance with blackjack, is to reduce the odds that the house has on you, but they always will have some edge.  Of course you could cheat and beat them that way but that's a different story and I won't touch that :)


  6. Here is the best system for roulette.  Take $20 play $5 on any four numbers. If it hits you get 35x5= $175.

    Put $25 in your pocket your +$5. Take the other $150 and put $30 on 5 numbers. If that hits 35X30 you get $1050. Thank the dealer and WALK away.

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