
Can sanctions against Robert Mugabe work to stop him in his tracks??

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  1. It might help although he is a menice. World pressure and sanctions wont stop him,it'll only help to stop him. Pressure from Mbeki/ South Africa should do the trick. O and maybe not allowing his wifey to go on shopping trips in Paris etc. Make him feel the pain. Or assainate him. one or the other.

  2. No.

    He does nor care what is said or done.  And if sanctions are used and Zimabwe deteriorates further is just further propaganda saying the west is interfrering and trying to destroy him.

  3. No, he's not personally bothered by any of that. The man is mentally unstable and only sees things from his own perspective. His minions have had power for years by serving him well and they're not going to let go of that easily either. One day he will die - there's nothing more certain - he will die. Then the repressed people of Zimbabwe may have the opportunity of freeing themselves. South Africa could help those poor people but they wont - in fact they brutalise them if they catch them entering the country. South Africa will go the same way as Zimbabwe eventually with black rule for blacks and will destroy all that has been built up over the years by the Boers and British who were the first people to actually create homes and farms there, prior to that there were just roving tribes who never farmed or put down roots.

  4. That man has proved time and time again that he does not care about his people nor their welfare so sanctions are hardly going to "stop him in is tracks"

    A bullet from a sniper rifle would though!

  5. Possibly, but I suspect it will only make him more determined to rule as he pleases. The sanctions proposed in this case are different than those used in the past against countries like Libia for example, where the countries that imposed the sanctions would not trade in any way. The result is you hurt the people you are trying to help. In this case the sanctions are directed at Mugabe and the members of his Ragime by siezing his overseas bank accounts and not allowing him to travel outside Zimbabwe. This will make life a little uncomfortable for Mugabe and Co, but thats about all. The best answer would be for the people to revolt and bring him down by force, but without a strong leader to organize them I don't see that happening. So, whats left? He is an old man and hopefully will not infest this planet much longer, but I suspect one of his cohorts will step into his shoes. The only other solution would be to send in a hit squad to take the little creep out.

  6. Not in my opinion.  If he was moved by the plight of his people, he would have taken steps long ago to relieve their suffering.

    I think the West should actually pour aid into Zimbabwe, to give the people strength to fight against him and his bully boys.  That gang of his generals are really very frightening.

  7. It is a conceit of people like David Miliband to think that more sanctions can stop Mugabe. Zimbabwe Airlines passing through places like Singapore bring Mugabe all the things he needs. The people can suffer being deprived for him.

  8. Unfortunately , the only people who will suffer from sanctions will be the Zimbabweans themseleves.

    The only thing that'll stoff Mugabe is extrememly predjudicial force , but that aint gonna happen because there i sno ioil in Zimbabwe

  9. You raise an interesting point.

    Has there ever in the history of the world been an instance where sanctions have changed anything at all?

    I can't think of one.

  10. The only thing that will "stop him in his tracks" is made of lead, and travels at great velocity!

  11. sadly no it will only hurt the general population.

    he will be fine

    sanctions would just hurt the ordinary people not the leaders of this horrible dictatorship

    an acquaintance of mine went to visit her relatives for 6 weeks in Zimbabwe earlier this year. she lost 2 stone because there is not much food.

  12. Yes, it can make him think twice. Money is very powerful and persuasive.

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