
Can saturn be seen by the naked eye?

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bet i made with my friend




  1. yes

  2. sure. it's not the brightest of the classical planets, but it is reasonably prominent.

  3. Yes, it's possible to see Saturn with the naked eye, but pretty hard this time of year. If you're in the midwest somewhere you *might* get a quick glimpse of it almost due west and just above the horizon.

  4. Saturn is visible most of the year as a fairly bright yellowish "star". You can't see the rings without optical aid. It takes a minimum of about 30x to make them out, though at lower powers Saturn looks a bit oval.

    Saturn is about to disappear into the glare of the Sun for the summer. It's currently in the constellation Leo and sets around dusk.

  5. Yes, if it's parked in your drive way or in your garage !

    It's a make of car.

  6. Yes. It looks like a bright star.

    You won't see the rings though.

  7. no, butt uranus can

  8. Yes.

  9. yes, did you win the bet?

  10. Saturn is getting hard to see now because it is on the far side of the sun and getting more in line with it every day.  It is setting in the western sky not long after the sun.  Mars is not far from it.

    In about six months, it will be visible between midnight and dawn.  It will be at its brightest when it is at opposition near the end of March in 2009.  It will be one of the brightest objects in the sky.  You can see it well from 9 pm to 3 am at that time.

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