
Can school shootings be prevented?

by Guest63938  |  earlier

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Answere yes or No its for a social studies project. Please help me get a good grade




  1. I think they could be prevent if the school has metal detectors. But unfortunately not all states/counties/schools are able to afford them.   Sorry that I couldnt just answer yes or no.

    ps. consider mine a "no"

  2. No.

    The general idea is that if someone is determined enough to do something then they will do it.

    What you can do is try and reduce the number of incidences by dealing with some of the causes like availability of weapons, ensuring that all students have access to good mental health facilities and that staff have the time and training to identify potential problems before they escalate into murder.

    From a happy clappy perspective another thing that may be effective is working on student emotional intelligence and skills.  

    Kids will always bully and some may not even realise it but they have to be aware that what they may consider a joke can have an effect far beyond their intention.  They need to have an understanding that their actions have consequences.

    This stuff stays with people long after school has finished. Equally kids should have some help in building their own defences in dealing with bullies, isolation and loneliness.

    There is no quick fix but giving kids the environment and tools in which to handle the pressures and social nastiness of school will go a long way to help reduce the amount of these horrific incidents.

  3. Of course it's possible:

    No guns = no shootings. When was the last school-shooting in the UKGB where a kid went ballistic with a hand-gun ? Exactly.

  4. Ignore the gun prohibition debate for a second.  Now look around the world and try find another country which has a school shooting problem like the US.  The question shouldn't be 'can school shootings be prevented', but how on earth did they start in the first place?

  5. No.  Even a complete prohibition against private ownership of firearms will succeed no better than prohibition against alcohol consumption did in the early part the last century.  There will be bootlegging of firearms just as there was rum-running. There will be significant numbers of individuals and small groups of craftsmen who will manufacture firearms in secret locations just as there were folks who ran (and do it today, too) illegal distilleries back in the woods.  There will be any number of people willing to "run" the illegal firearms to distributors just as there were people like "Fireball" Roberts and Junior Johnson, the winning NASCAR drivers who got their start running illegal liquor.  

    Like it or not, your fellow citizens detest being told what they can and can't do or possess, especially regarding things they associate with liberty and manliness.   And as long as there are firearms, there will be deranged individuals who'll mis-use them.  Look again at liquor: it's illegal in all fifty states for minors to possess or consume alcohol, but hundreds of 'em die every year after obtaining and consuming the stuff.  You can legislate all you want, but you will not eliminate the problem.  You can post a cop in every student's locker and you will not entirely eliminate the problem.  You can preach at the kids three times a day about the dangers of alcohol, and still some will obtain it and they will consume it.  Same thing with firearms: some will obtain them and mis-use them no matter what. The only way you can completely eliminate the threat of school shootings is to close every school in the nation.  And I don't think we're about to do that!

  6. No. There is not a perfect system to prevent school shooting. Watch the movie elaphant before you write your report. The school in seatle that the movie was based on had a good system. Any person can do a school shooting with a few years of planning. Check out this website about a school shooting.

  7. yes

  8. No.  They have garnered too much attention and that alone makes them appealing to some people.  The young guy at the mall last week said in his suicide note that he would be famous after what he was planning.  Unfortunately, he was rewarded for his warped actions by being made exactly that - famous.  School shootings follow the same lines.  After the Columbine shooting most experts came to agree that the shootings were not "revenge killings" ie goths getting back at jocks, but rather, the boys just wanted to be famous.

  9. Probably not.  The shootings inside the school can, with metal detectors and security like that of an airport.  But nothing can prevent it happening when the students are outside, snipers, etc.  Also if the guns are prevented troubled students will then resort to something else.  So shootings CAN be prevented but violence cannot.

  10. Yes!

  11. Yes. Improve the security and hire more well-trained security guards.

  12. no, theyve tried but not succeeded

  13. Yes, if the head of the school hire some security guards that will inspect manually all the students bags or things before entering the school or campus.

  14. no

  15. No. They can be reduced, but not prevented completely. The only way we could completely prevent them would be if everyone in the country started being home schooled.

  16. nice outfit.  where did you get it?  ;)

    oh, the answer... i forgot.. sowee.


    the obvious signs may be there for troubled people, but signs are only obvious in hind sight.

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