
Can schools make you take off jewelry ?

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i have an eyebrow ring thingy and the school is telling me to take it off. is this legal??? please i need help!!!




  1. no, i do not believe it's against any laws. it's probably written somewhere in the school policies that facial piercings aren't allowed. generally, i find that a lot of schools and workplaces have policies against facial piercings.

  2. Yes it is legal. It's just part of the dress code.

    Cover it up with a bandage or look for the clear plastic jewelry.  

    I found that if I used antibiotic ointment with the clear nose stud it was practically invisible and I was able to wear it to work, maybe it will work for you.

  3. Yes, schools have policies and rules in effect, usually found in your school rules and regulations handbook. And I believe it is legal for schools to enforce dress codes and tell you that certain things are not allowed and against school policy.

    If you have free legal assistance available to you (most states have this for people who need to know something, but cannot afford or do not want to hire a lawyer to help them fight something that they believe is okay), then call them and see what they say about school board rulings in your particular state because each state is different!

    Look in the City and Government Pages (usually most City office numbers are found on blue pages) of your local phone directory. There should be a number in there for Legal Aid or just call 1-411 and see if they can give you a number to call for Legal Aid in your state!! Any assistance they provide is usually free.

    I hope that this is of some help to you.    ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Âº

  4. If it violates the dress code, take it out.

    I recommend that you read through the guidelines for your school.

    It is freedom of your body, so they shouldnt make you take it out.

    It might violate a few rules though.

    Take it up with the administration if it says nothing about it in the guidelines.

  5. yes its legal, some schools have policies against this

  6. hmm... i dint think they can. its your own body and its like.."freedom of speech...freedom to express your own...".  

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