
Can science solves mysteries?

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Can science solves mysteries?




  1. To apply the scientific method to some phenomenon is to subject it to a rigorous form of concentration where the results tell us more about the object and anytime we know more about something we know how much of a mystery it really is.

  2. Once mystery is solved, that means it's clear to everybody and then it becomes science. Of course there are whole lot of them to be solved, but we have to identify the tools to solve them

  3. Normally, when science solve a mystery it uncover even more mysteries...

    This is how sciences advance!!

  4. NO!  becasue up to know they are still debating as to when the big bang happen.  and how come this 'things' does not collide with each others.  Also Darwins theory is still a mystery to most scientist.  The mystery of creation is still unsolved.

  5. The human mind with it's problem solving skills and intuition can use science to solve mysteries.

  6. Science is just a tool used to solve mysteries.

  7. The answer has to be yes, but fortunately the solution to any mystery will produce other mysteries for us to solve.  Science is a maze of mysteries that require constant collection and analyzing of data to resolve... sometimes the solution is obvious when an unknown piece of information is found & sometimes this new information tells us we took the wrong investigative path several steps back.

    We (most of us anyway) now know the earth revolves around the Sun & the Earth is but one planet in one small solar system.  Science has always fought the adherants of the supernatural and is showing signs of making some moderate gains against the purveyers of fear & superstition.

  8. Let there be mysteries. Science tries to reduce life to formulae but they can't explain life, or why there is life. or a hundred other things that religion tries to explain, along with philosophy and even deluded thinking like astrology and numerology.

    Science describes things, it rarely explains them. Light and gravity are well-documented and measured, but they still don't know what a photon is, or what produces gravity.

  9. All these answers are wrong!! Science does not solve mysteries; it takes mysteries and reduces them to problems that can be solved. I am, as usual, not surprised by this lack of knowledge in the social science section. Noam Chomsky has a quote addressing this very issue.

  10. Once a mystery is solved it ceases to be one. Then it becomes fact.

    The process of solving a mystery is called science.

  11. Of course.  That's the whole idea behind scientific study.

  12. Yes.

    Many "mysteries" have been "solved" by science. Why does the earth have mountains, sources of disease...etc.

    Ignoring the issue of how we actually know or what does it mean to really solve something....we come to the issue of the unsolved mysteries.

    Take UFOs and aliens. It can be examined in a scientific manner and a conclusion given. If enough verifiable, reliable evidence is gathered, then it can solved. Many UFO mystery have been solved in this way.

    Some things have the problem of gathering evidence. How did they build the pyramids? We can guess, investigate, but maybe we will never get enough evidence to truly solve that problem.

    Some questions such as, does God exist, are by their nature unsolvable. God, by nature, should be untestable. God has his own scheme and powers beyond what humans can understand.

    So the answer is.....most mysteries can be investigated by science. If the mystery is repeated, it can ultimately be solved. Some mysteries are so rare, and we have so little evidence we can not solve it. Finally, certain theological and metaphysical mysteries are by their very nature, unsolvable, and either they proved to be "bollocks" or can not be investigated.

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