
Can scientists create water?

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i heard that is impossible to create,is it true???and why is impossible??




  1. they can create it

  2. if they can harnis the right elements then maybe but iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddd...

  3. yes it is very possible, its called binary fission, they take a Hydrogen atom, smash it together with another Hydrogen atom, then they smash those two with an Oxygen atom to make Hydrogen+Hydrogen+Oxygen (H+H+O), or H2O, which is a water molecule.

    it is possible because once 2 hydrogens are bonded with oxygen it forms a liquid molecule aka water,

    it is like when you take blue play-doe (hydrogen in this case) and mush it together with yellow play-doe (oxygen) and you get green play-doe (water).

  4. Water is just hydrogen gas bonded to oxygen gas.  And yes it can be created, its just too expensive to make it feasible.

  5. Easy.  Go to a welding shop.  Buy a cylinder of hydrogen.  Burn the hydrogen.  Collect the gases from the burning and cool them down.  The gas released from burning hydrogen (in an atmosphere with oxygen at least) is water.

    It is not impossible.  It can be done without too much trouble.  The space shuttle and earlier space vehicles combined hydrogen and oxygen in special fuel cells that created electricity and water.  The trouble is finding the hydrogen.  It is not common in nature as H2 gas.  We have to break down water using electricity or use acids on metals to release hydrogen.  There are other methods of getting hydrogen but these two are pretty common.  It takes a lot of energy to get hydrogen gas.  It is not cost feasible to create a lot of water this way.

  6. yes by putting together hydrogen and oxygen

  7. Yes.  When they combine hydrogen and oxygen.

    But remember the cannot create matter or destroy matter, only displace it.

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