
Can scientists really make things better than God?

by Guest45150  |  earlier

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In Quran it's written if there were more than one God, the world would be filled with choas. Recently scientists started genetic engineering. the results included genetically modified bacteria that killed pests & then went on to attacking human tissues, etc.

Because God knew our physiology when He created things, He created everythin in its perfect form & compatible with everythin else. The air we breathe, the soil plants grow in, the water we drink, the food we eat...all are compatible with each other & there's no conflict, no choas, just like written in the Quran. Had the different things been created by different gods, they wouldn't be compatible with each other as was proved when scientists tried modifying what God created. Plants wouldn't grow in soil, air wouldn't be perfect to breathe, bacteria in vegetables would attack human tissue, etc. This shows that there's one God and everything's created by one God. It also shows the wisdom and truth of the Quraan, God's final Book.




  1. There's no such thing as god!!!

    Have you met him and had a miracle performed right in front of your eyes by him? I don't think so.

    All religion is responsible for is causing wars and hatred amongst human beings!

    Well said schuutz!!

  2. Who gave you the computer you just wrote all that stuff on?  Scientists or god?

    Case closed.

  3. They'd have a hard job making it much worse!

  4. Gods do not exist, so they can make nothing at all. Scientists have made many things. I am sure you would not like it if scientists had not made many things you take for granted while imagining Allah did this and that. You are trying to see only bad things and even manufacture some, so you discredit yourself and your beliefs here.

  5. god made man , there for he knew what we could do

    we being changing things for 100s of years , growing bigger cows to more orange carrats ,

    its all about choice , not about can we but should we, but we already do

    we have been eating gm tomatos and soya for years

  6. Man can only make things better than god as god does not exist, ane philosopher once said even if their was no proof of god "which their isn't, it is all based on faith, like a child taking on faith that their are tooth fairys, or father christmas, the child believes because it is nice to beleive, and with religion, very comforting to believe. With the tooth fairy you either work it out that they can't exist or are told and then the belief becomes obsolete, whereas with adults they are to scared to face the facts that life is very much mundane even though the majority of people find it very stimulation, but in the end their is no higher spiritual plane or heaven when we die, just nothingness, this concept is to much for people to handle so they hold on to the mystical and superstisious beliefs of religion" man would still make it. But if you need someone else to tell you the differnect between right and wrong, keep on beliveing, instead of living your own life )

  7. Your question, KR, is really an opportunity to make a statement rather than a proper question. The statement you have made is propaganda about your religion, and is therefore a little dishonest. It does not mean your religion is wrong, it means that you are making statements to others that give you, personally, some comfort. Others, of course, will not find comfort in your precepts, and many people who read the question will have other ways of interpreting the glory of God. You must admit, KR, that a God who could create so many things must be like the white light of the rainbow, and it is we who split that light up into its many colours. You see one narrow range of colours, and other people see a different range and thereby perceive a different God. But the source of the light is always the same!

  8. I can't be bothered to read all the detail, but to answer the question...yes, scientists can.

    Why? Because God does not exist, therefore, whatever scientists do it has to better because something that does not exist cannot do anything at all.

  9. god has crated this universe including all life.

    we humans have learnt all the basics of life.

    we have advanced to that level where we can create life(clones)

    i am of the opinion that

    after a long time the earth gets destroyed due to pollution, natural calamities,global warming,etc,.

    at that time the humans will travel to mars as there is small traces of factors for survival.there has been several researches made on it.

    this shows that we are becoming near and nearer to god.

    so why can't we make things that baffles even the god

  10. While I do not believe in god or anything supernatural, it is true that no-one can prove the non-existence of god any more than anyone can prove that one or more gods exist.  There is no evidence for the existence of god, but that does not mean there is no god.  Carl Sagan said "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" and that sums up the case.

    So I am with all the other athiests here, but as a scientist myself, I have to admit that I might be worng, and there could be a god of some sort that hides all ecvidence of its exostence and allows all sorts of bad stuff to happen.  SO either a non-caring god or a non-omnipotent one.  Unless all the victims of murder, genocide and general vileness of society were destined tobe the next hitler/hussein.  Semms pretty unlikely so Scientists get my vote.  At least they make things and don't take sundays off.

  11. NO, the lord created everything perfect, he then created man with all his human faults and said, you have right & wrong, go forth you decide?

    since then we all have made and are still making a B**** of it, and we have the gaul to blame him+++++++++++++++++


    god created the man remember.


    self denial eh? i see you have at least one blind follower

  12. There's an interesting thoughts @ this page

    Where politician preach religious dogma and what scientist can do, an indirect sustance to what you are comparing.



  13. Never.

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