In Quran it's written if there were more than one God, the world would be filled with choas. Recently scientists started genetic engineering. the results included genetically modified bacteria that killed pests & then went on to attacking human tissues, etc.
Because God knew our physiology when He created things, He created everythin in its perfect form & compatible with everythin else. The air we breathe, the soil plants grow in, the water we drink, the food we eat...all are compatible with each other & there's no conflict, no choas, just like written in the Quran. Had the different things been created by different gods, they wouldn't be compatible with each other as was proved when scientists tried modifying what God created. Plants wouldn't grow in soil, air wouldn't be perfect to breathe, bacteria in vegetables would attack human tissue, etc. This shows that there's one God and everything's created by one God. It also shows the wisdom and truth of the Quraan, God's final Book.