
Can scoopable cat litter be used with parrots?

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I just bought a huge cage for my macaws but it doesn't have a grate to keep them off of the bottom. If I use newspaper on the bottom they'll shred it making a big poopy newspaper mess. So I was thinkin cat litter where I can scoop the p**p out might work but I don't know if they'll ingest any or if it might hurt them.Anyone got any ideas? I can't take the cage back.




  1. Absolutely not!!   This can be extremely dangerous if you bird ingests it, not to mention the dust from it, and many have perfumes in it for odor control. You can use ground up corn cobs, though, you can buy it at the pet store. This is safe for your bird, and you can still  scoop out droppings and discarded bird food.  Or you can make a grate for the cage by using small mesh, heavy guage metal.  You can get it at the hardware stores or places like Lowes.  The mesh should be small enough that the birds can walk on it....1/4" x 1/2" is normally recommended.  It has to be small enough that the birds can walk comfortably on it without danger of their feet slipping through. Yes, Macaws will play on the bottom of the cage at times.  Mine do it , and so do the ones where I work. They enjoy rolling on their backs and acting silly.  Making a grate is the easiest solution, then you can just use newspaper. Please read my profile.

  2. Put up with the birds ripping the newspaper, find a makeshift grate to keep the birds off the bottom, or sell the cage and get one that will work. Parrots like to chew on/ingest things, it's how they work. The cat litter will expand and impact in their gut and you will have to take them to the vet and they could easily die. And the dust will get into their lungs and kill them. Birds don't have diaphragms, they can't cough to clear their lungs. Their lungs are actually connected to a whole web of air sacs, which will get all gummed up with cat litter dust and they'll suffocate.

    Long story short, cat litter is deadly for birds. You really, really need to stick with newspaper.

  3. Well, for most animals, cat litter (since it is very dusty) can cause severe breathing problems. Try using a corn cob litter. It is much better because it doesn't carry the risk of medical problems.  

  4. No dont use cal liter they will eat it and thats not good for them at all. Try looking at the pet store for somthing thats made for macaws that are safe and biodegradable.

  5. No, don't use anything, but plain, clean newspaper's.

    Grates in bird cages are to keep the birds out of the droppings, other wise the risk is Bacterial Infections. Macaw's do play on the bottom of the cage, so consider changing cages for them to a large, safe with bottom grate for their health.

    Cat littler should not be used. If the ingest it you will be paying a major avian vet bill and praying they survive. Also many cat litter's are Toxic to birds.

    Birds systems are very different from all other creature's, their lungs don't filter air they breath like other creatures, their bones are filled with air, not bone marrow. I could go on and on, the point is the birds we keep are more fragil, thus Exotic versa Domestic is important to keep in mind.

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