
Can serouel cause Tardive dyskinesia

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is there any anti physcotics or meds for bipolar that dont run the risk of tardive dyskinesia?




  1. All the anti-psychotics have some risk of TD.  BUT, the newer, atypical anti-psychotics like Seroquel have a very low risk.

    Medicines that are used for Bipolar that do not cause TD include:  Lithium, Depakote and Tegretol (Anti-epileptics), Lamictal (Anti-epileptics), and Neurotin.  These are mood stabilizers are are traditionally used for Bipolar disorder as a first line of defense.

  2. The product label for Seroquel does not mention tardive dyskinesia as a side effect.

    Medication for psychosis and bipolar disorders are all by prescription, so you have to have a doctor prescribe something, and that is who you should ask about side effects.....

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