
Can sharks hear your heartbeat in the water.....?

by  |  earlier

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....if it's beating fast cos you're nervous would they attack?

Thinking of those times in Thailand.




  1. yes

  2. If you farted they would quickly go the other way.

  3. yes they can,they can hear things from 5000 feet(1 Mile)

    and if you're close enough then it would certiantly hear your

    heartbeat.No,they won't attack.I think David might get the

    the best answer,but I disagree with him in 1 thing...sharks can see very well and has a MUCH better eyesight than we humans do.Sharks can see in almost total darkness.

  4. OK, from my years and years of scuba diving and many shark encounters, plus extensive reading on the subject, I can say pretty confidently that shark attacks on humans are extremely rare.  Heart rate has nothing to do with whether or not they attack as far as I know, and I've never heard or read that as a factor.  The shark has normal senses, fairly poor eyesight but good 'electromagnetic' sense.  Sharks sometimes bite out of curiosity or in self-defense;  but the usual scenario where a snorkler or diver is attacked is when the shark mistakes the human for its normal food source, typically a seal or sea lion.   Scuba Divers under water are almost never attacked.  Divers and Snorklers on the surface are sometimes attacked, but the number of events is so rare as to be virtually non-existant.

    I have never seen a shark attack.  I have had one friend who's board was bitten by a shark while surfing.  That was in an area known to have sharks and their sea-lion prey (Northern California).  

    I have encountered sharks while scuba diving countless times and only once did one act at all aggressively.  That was in Hawaii, and while investigating an underwater lava tube a group of divers I was with basicly trapped a reef-shark at the back of the cave.  The shark acted very 'wildly', but all it wanted was to get out of the cave and away from the divers.  It was more frightened of us than we were of it, and no one was bitten.

    Enjoy your skin diving!  A shark attack is extremely unlikely.  Other humans are much more likely to hurt you than some poor shark!

  5. Loud and clear.

  6. i really have no idea tbh!

    i had never thought of this a reason for them to attack, but yes it does sound logical.

    they attack when they follow scents.

    divers and surfers who are out in the water for hours usually pee in their suits. so they are at greater risk as the shark will

    trace the sent and follow them.

    hope i helped (:

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