Let me explain.
I know that the sales manager at work doesn't like me. She told one of my friends at work that she doesn't like me and she doesn't even know why she doesn't like me. I'm OK with that. I really don't mind and I know I'm not like a piece of gold or a diamond that everyone is going to like.
However, I recently graduated and printed out some pictures. We have a corkboard with all sort of pictures from all the employees who work here in the office. There weren't any pictures of me because I hadn't brought one. Once I printed out some of the graduation pictures, I put them up. But I just walked by the board and someone has puncture my pictures with a thumbtack on my eyes and also put a thumbtack in between my eyes (ON ALL OF THEM). I find this behavior immature, disturbing and completely unprofessional. Do you think it can escalate? Am I just being paranoid? Should upper management be involved? Should something be done about it?