
Can she be pregnant? and if shes is how can she cause a miscarriege?

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Cause my friend wants one how can she do it?


well the thing is that she doesnt know if shes pregnant cause she and her boyfriend didint really had s*x but they were rubbing with no clothes and he didnt c *u*m in her and she was suppost to get her period this week and she has REAlly bad cramps like 2 days ago! what can she do? and shes to scared to take a pregnancy test so shes just trying to miscarriege PLEASE HELP!

they rubed on each 0ther naked and he didint go in but she thinks he precumed around her v****a.

Can she be pregnant?




  1. She needs to find out if she's pregnant.

    And if she is, she can't MAKE herself have a miscarriage, because those happen on accident, or they're natural.

    It's NOT natural to make yourself have a misscarriage,either.

  2. Unlikely. but possible.

    Pregnancy test.

    Go to a doctor.


  3. She needs to wait a few days and then take a pregnancy test.  I doubt that she is pregnant, but just incase, go to a counselor.  there is no way to have a miscarraige.  

  4. I told you yesterday, she can't miscarry at all unless she's pregnant. And she's afraid to find out if she's pregnant, so I guess she'll just have to stay in this teen-hysteria limbo forever.

    Did you know that many women who miscarry have to be HOSPITALIZED? Her parents will sure find out then...

  5. if he got any s***n or preseminal fluids around her v****a, yes she can be pregnant.  It only takes one little determined sperm to make its way up to get pregnant.

    The only way to cause a miscarriage would be to take an abortion pill..  if the abortion pill does not work tho, she will require a surgical abortion, as the pill can have serious side effects if it doesnt work.

    Stress can cause a late period too..  tell her to invest in a pregnancy test to find out for sure.. if she's late it should be able to tell if she is or not.

  6. First off she should just wait a couple days then take a pregancy test, she probably isn't pregnant but if she is then she should go to the local planned parenthood and have them evaluate her and they maybe can help he out with abortion plans. There is no way to misscarry on your own.

  7. Why would she do that?

    And there's a thing called PREGNANCY TESTS!

    That's horrible of her wanting a miscarriage. Does she know how many women would die just to have a child??? If she can't keep the baby, then she should give him/her up for adoption. And abortion is cruel. You are killing an innocent baby!

    Periods aren't regular for the first year or so. It might just a be a little late.

    xox- Julie

  8. First off, your friend needs to take a pregnancy test for HER health, and the baby's health (if she is pregnant).

    And, if she's 14 she should have taken health classes already and known the risks of "rubbing" with her boyfriend. If she's that worried, chances are she could be lying about actually having s*x. And if she is pregnant, she needs to tell her parents and decide if she wants to keep it, put it up for adoption, or get an abortion.

    And, she really needs to realize the risks of doing that. If you have s*x, you can get pregnant: bottom line. The only for sure way to guarantee she won't get pregnant (if she isn't already), is to not have s*x.

    Good luck to your friend and I hope this helped.  

  9. ignore the comments saying keep it and telling ehr to be guilty

    and so what if shes 14, people do things at different rate its her choice and people should respect her.

    its hard to miscarrdge on choice

    i had a friend that did because she rod horses laodds during the pregnancy and i knwo someone who was ounch low in the stomahc who was but dont let her do that

    tell her to get an abortion

    if she catches it early the abortion is a pill

    all she will need to do is go to the planned parent hood or family planning clinic, ur english right? tell them and they will get her a time and place to do it

    her parents ownt find out

    tell her not to worry and if you need anymore help, like finding you local family plannning clinic contact me

    i understnad her fear she i dont think she id pregnant

    very low chance

    hope i helped


  10. if your going to do that, you mine as well just have s*x..

    anyways.. her chances are low, but theres always a possibility

    you cant "have" a miscarriage unless your really pregnant so find that out first with a pregnancy test and why would anyone give you advice on how to have a miscarriage thats like asking for advice on how to push a baby down a flight of stairs...

    grow up, and take responsibility  

  11. I doubt she's pregnant, unless she lied about only "rubbing".  

    She needs to get on birth control... there is no excuse.  You can't make a miscarriage... it's called an abortion if you intentionally terminate a pregnancy.

  12. OMG! Kids are so ignorant these days. She wants to miscarry? She needs to talk to her mother instead of you asking questions on here.  

  13. you cant get pregnant by rubbing someone...clothes or no clothes.. even if he precumed "around"  her v****a the sperm will die therefore you cant get pregnant.

    also your friend could be lying to you about what exactly happened.

    and those cramps she was having that could be PMS.

    and you cant make yourself have a miscarriage...

    do yourself a favor hun and get some s*x education please.

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