
Can she even do that???

by Guest21162  |  earlier

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So, In Canada, is it legal for a parent to take a child over a provincial border without consent from the other parent? My friend is seperated from her husband and came to visit me and stayed in town one night and decided that she is going 4.5 more hours in the opposite direction of home which will put her in the next province...

I dont think she called her husband to even just tell him about it or anything...

I know this uesd to be against the law, he could press charges for kidnaping if he choose then... is it still this way?




  1. My parents were foster parents, and when we went across the border we had to have a notarized note from the social workers saying that they had permission to be with my parents to go to this place and to do that.

    So, I think it might be a problem, but just tell your friend that if she gets in trouble just to say shes vacationing and visiting friends, its not technically kidnapping if she plans to return back to home.

  2. I believe it is illegal to take a child out of province. We lived 5 minutes to the US border and would frequently go across for gas. Once my hubby took my son without me, and was turned away because they didn't know if I'd be OK with him crossing the border with our son.  

  3. it really depends on who has custody of the child and how long they have it. i live in Alaska and my dad and sister would snow mechine to Russia or Canada for the weekends and it wasnt a law he had to tell her. they have 1/2 and 1/2 custody of us each. he did tell her so she new where we were and if something happends to us but he was cool like that bad then.

  4. If the separation is informal and there isn't any kind of legal, court-ordered custody agreement, she can do whatever she wants with her OWN kid.  

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