
Can she really do this??

by  |  earlier

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Here is my situation.. Last Friday my mother took my three kids and my sister's two kids out for a day of fun. School is about to start back, so she wanted to do something with all of them. I'm divorced and my kids go to their father's house on Friday evenings, my mother called him and got the ok to keep them out a little later and set up a time and place to meet him with our kids. Well, his new wife called my mother and told her that she wasn't suppose to have the kids and that she could call the cops and tell them that she kidnapped them, saying that grand-parents have no rights. My question is this.. Even though their father knew where they were at and Ok'd the later pick-up time, could she call the cops and report them as being kidnapped? I think if she did the cops would probably just laugh at her.




  1. As long as your ex backed up the confermation there isn't much valdity to her claim..  

  2. I suggest that the next time your mom takes the kids that you give her written permission, and when she calls your ex-husband that she gets a recording or have him send an SMS to her phone acknowledging what they have agreed on.

    It sounds like your ex's new wife is a real control freak. Filing a false complaint to the police is against the law, I believe. Do you have a lawyer who handled the divorce? You might want to just let him know what happened so that it is on record somewhere. My mother was verbally threatened by someone and we were advised to at least tell a lawyer what happened in order to have it in writing and on file someplace. You never know what this woman would pull. Taping your conversations with her and keeping a diary of these conversations might be a good idea. Good luck.

  3. No she can't. She has no parental responsibility for your kids. If you and your ex had arranged this then she should mind her own business. Grandparents do have rights, for example, they can go to court and get access to their grandchildren, your mom has a lot more rights than your ex's wife. I'd speak to your ex about her behaviour, and tell your mother not to worry. The police would just laugh at her.


  5. I would hope not. That seems kinda stupid to me since that's not her kids. I'd cuss her out and tell her to mind her own d**n business and tell her that their gm can do whatever she wants with them.

  6. Tecnically they are not her children, so I bet you that the cops would just laugh at her.

  7. she cant do that coz they are your kids too.i hope u all the best between u and ur family.

  8. i think they would laugh too and you should too

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