
Can/should I use free sites like blogger to create a blog which I aim to monetize

by Guest65975  |  earlier

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I am planning on starting a web based business in the future and as a project I am going to start a blog (unrelated to the business idea) and try to learn how to build traffic and make some money from it. I'm not expecting a major cashflow from this, more of just an incentive to grow some entrepreneurial marketing skills and such.

Since at the moment I am studying and don't have a job, I would prefer a free site like blogger to start up my blog as long as I can use 3rd party advertising things on it and other tool you use to make money from blogs




  1. the free blog sites are ok but some of them have restrictions on the type of code you can put on them which prevents some money making schemes from working.  I would recommend using wordpress (, this will require you to have your own web hosting which will cost arou $50 a year but other than that it is free.  The benefit of using this service is that you have complete control over your content and you won whatever you put on there.  If you use one of the free services essentially they own the content as they host it.  You also have more freedom of content on wordpress and can place whatever advertising links you want on it.  Make sure you use though as is their free version and has the same limitations as blogger.  My blog (link below) is done in wordpress if you want to check it out

  2. Hi there! we have of the same interest! Try . Like what the third person say, it is a good way to advertise.  Also, look at my website at  and comment on my first len. Thanks!

  3. Welcome to Blog

    Visit my blog Here you can get everything ,What you wish to do right now....Leave a comment if u have doubt in my blog...

  4. Why go for a blogger when you can actually experiment with free servers that you can create your website with.I have been using similar sites and Google Page Creator and Yahoo Geocities are some of them. They will get you some knowledge of webhosting. I am going to register a domain for my website soon.

  5. try it's a great fre service for monetizing your blog

  6. You can upload you own blog with this free hosting site

    Using blogs is a very good way to get free advertising to you own website.

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