
Can sleeping on your back/belly/left-right side affect what dreams you have? ?

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Can sleeping on your back/belly/left-right side affect what dreams you have? ?




  1. i would think so because i have alot of weird dreams when i lay on my sides

  2. NO! you actually REM sleep which is in five stages during the night. Only when in REM sleep do you actually dream. REM: rapid eye movement. If you wake up during this period youll remember your dreams.  You might find it that when your in a comfortable position is when you REM sleep. I dont find that position has anything to do with what you dream. If youve noticed, we usually dream about stuff thats happened to us during the day in some form. its our brains way of restarting, just like when you shut down your computer.

    Good luck, From a nurse.

  3. wow i never thought of that that is very interesting maybe it could because wen your on your stomach you could have a bad dream cus you might not be able to breath that well !  

  4. Probably not.

  5. Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    I don't know if this will help but there are two parts to my theory of why I believe what you say might have some validity.

    A) Last year my wife mentioned that often when I took a nap during the day I would wake up gasping for air. I did some research and found a condition called Sleep Apnea. This is when you have a long period, between 10-30 second when you stop breathing. It is believed that your mind has a fail safe which wakes you up. The result is gasping for air. We decided to see a specialist and she confirmed that my Apnea only occurs while sleeping o my back. (apparently this is not uncommon) Her remedy, simple as it might seem, was to try not to sleep on my back. I no longer have these episodes, thankfully.

    B) It is believed that a person only remembers the dream they are having when they wake up, even though they may have several dreams which occur during the several R.E.M. cycles they may have during 8 hours of sleep.

    If the both above are true then you may have your answer.

    I hope this helps.

  6. i don't think so but probley its a no

  7. Sure. Your inner ear and body position as well as all the other exterior stimuli can effect which direction your dream goes. I remember one time I was asleep on my living room sofa and my roommates cat very slowly curled up on my chest. In my dream I was walking along and suddenly the cute guy from the produce department at the store where I shop walks up and is trying to hug me and kiss me and while I wasn't adverse to the idea I didn't want him to know I was that interested so I was pushing him away and dodging his lips...though not very strenuously...meanwhile my room mate who watched me saw me make half concerted efforts to grab the cat and push it away. However the big ol' thing weighed in excess of 18 pounds and had a head the size of a grapefruit. Like a door I woke up and there's this ginormous cat on my chest making it almost impossible to breath. I told my roommate what was happening and she juss looked at me like I was nuts. It depends allot on how you sleep if you even remember your dreams. Most back sleepers don't remember dreams while stomach and fetal sleepers  do. Okay...well, take in Christ, ~J~  

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