
Can smarts (as in the car) tackle winter weather such as slippery roads and blizzards?

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Can smarts (as in the car) tackle winter weather such as slippery roads and blizzards?




  1. probably not well.  i havent tried it yet in a Smart Car, but i wouldnt want to either.

    pickups have their own issues with light truck beds when trying to deal with snow and ice, so unless it is a heavy vehicle and 4-whl drive, a regular drive pickup isnt much good either then.

    and no matter what kind of vehicle you are driving, here is really the best advice:


    if a blizzard, actually, stay put at home or work until the blizzard part is over.  nothing much is soooooooo important in life that you have to risk your own life.  if you get delayed going to work by waiting to depart, then so be it.  if you cant get there due to blizzard, chances are most of your customers wont either.

    if just case of slippery/icy/snowy roads, again, if possible, put off unnecessary trips.  wait til roads are treated before trying to go shopping.  if you can take a day from work and telecommute, do that.

    if you do have to drive, just SLOW DOWN.  either leave earlier, or else accept that you will arrive late.  in any case, dont stress out about driving time, dont hurry and make mistakes, and dont be tense at the wheel bcs you need your reflexes for driving and not worrying.

  2. That would be the last thing i would want in bad weather. Its small, low to the ground and it looks like if a dog sneezed it would blow over. But it could be an adventure...

  3. HELLZ NO !!! get a f 150 and lift it 3 inches with mudding tires and laught at the q****s with smart cars....they can kiss ur fords ***

  4. Yes, I have winter Continental tires on mine. The weight of the engine is over the rear wheel giving it plenty of traction. The front wheels are very skinny just cut through the snow. The car has both stability control, antilock brakes. For the purpose the car was designed for, ie. commuting on city roads it does very well in the winter.

    I laugh at the Ford pick up crowd at the gas pump.

  5. Light weight cars, such as Subarus, conquer all other vehicles (Yep, including your mud tired Suburban) in the snow because they don't sink into it. The Smart will be able to ride over the snow like a Subaru, but I'm pretty sure they are FWD only = only half the traction.

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