
Can smeone plz tell me where i can get chapter 15 of breaking dawn i already have 1-14.

by  |  earlier

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plz plz plz




  1. first look it up on google first. there'll be a ton of torrent sites. i used, but you can take your pick.

    then copy the URL of the torrent and go to it's an online torrent downloader so you don't have to go through all the setup and downloading and c**p. copy-paste the URL and you'd be good to go! it might be a little slow, depending on your internet connection, but trust me it's worth it!

    the whole book's up online now, so you can download more than chapter 15 now.

  2. You could always buy the book, it's out now. =)  

  3. PLEASE. Someone tell me how/where I can find chapters 2-14. Everyone says there online somewhere. I spent forever looking for them.

    Or please, please e-mail them to me:

    PLEASE. I have to wait forever where I live for the book. I already know what happens but I still what to read it.  

  4. can you send me the link

    to chapters 1-14 please?? thanks :)

  5. stop being such a cheapo

    and wait for the d**n book to come out.

  6. where can i find chapters 1-14

    mail me at ;) i ll love u foreverr if u mailed me..


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