
Can sombody please tell me if it is possible to have "mind powers?"?

by  |  earlier

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hahahaha i didn't know how to put it.

But is it possible to like read other peoples mind with some kind of "training?"

If so will you please! tell me?

ohhhh. by the way im just curiouse to see if its possible and maybe try it.




  1. You have to practice meditation and fast in the name of Yahweh.

  2. I dont believe in mind reading per say, but if you study someone's actions close enough and ask them a few questions you can certainly come close.

  3. well there are physicpeople and telapathic people.

  4. no you have to be born with it but some people who have gotton struck by lightning or had a serious head injurys claim they can anything is possible

  5. Everyone is born with "Gifts" - from nature, from God, whatever you believe.

    Some people communicate with the dead, some people can lift objects with their minds, some people can read other people's thoughts.

    There are a million different gifts people can have, and most people either don't train themselves to use it properly, or just can't.

    I can tell what people are "feeling" - even by looking at them or touching them.  My mom is the same way, although she doesn't think it's a gift - she just "knows" that person is drunk or on drugs, or sad, or angry, etc.

    Anything is possible, and some people can learn a skill they don't naturally posess, but it takes years and years of work.  The best thing to do is find your natural gifts and work on them, instead of wishing for other people's gifts.

    PS, each gift is a double edged sword- meaning there are good and bad points to every gift.  Imagine if you could read people's minds, and you heard all kinds of stuff you didn't want to - like your boyfriend thinking about another girl, someone thinking you are ugly, your brother thinking gross thoughts about his crush, etc..... It's not all fun and games, trust me.

  6. yes,it has been proven scientifically some people are just unable to accept that fact. the government has even experimented with this (mainly with remote  viewing)some of the expiriments are called project stargate and project pheonix

    and about you "training"  heres a site

    p.m me if you have any more questions.

  7. All say yes, and then all say no.

    It is not possible if it was possible it would not be possible.

    So yes it is.

  8. Not really, in the sense you mean. You can pick up on peoples body english and make some highly accurate insights.

  9. i have a book with step by step "exercises" for the mind. its used to open your mind to possibilities and help you heighten psychic abilities. every ones mind is capable of such thing its just that some people can naturally do it easily while others need practice. if you want you can email me and ill copy and send you the exercises or give you the books info so you Can find it. one warning tho- its not ethical to read peoples thoughts without their permission, entering someones mind without their consent should be avoided unless its an emergency. *Blessed Be*

  10. ummmm...anythings possible

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