
Can some 1 help plz!?

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ok i have trrouble wit algebra and i need some one to exaplain to me how to "combine like tems " i need and i would be soo happy if some 1 could EXPLAIN TO ME how to combine like terms thanks =)




  1. If you have three apples plus five oranges plus two apples plus one orange, what is your total?  Five apples and six oranges, right.

    In algebra it would be 3a + 5o + 2a + o = 5a + 6o

    I just combined the like terms (same letter with the same letter).

    Here's another example:

    6x + 4y - 8 + 2x - 3y - 1

    To combine like terms, look for things that are "like" each other (the sign before each one belongs with it).  There are three sets of like terms here: those with x, those with y, and the constants (regular numbers with no variable/ letter)

    6x + 2x = 4x

    4y - 3y = y

    -8 - 1 = -9


    6x + 4y - 8 + 2x - 3y - 1 = 4x + y - 9

    When you have to combine like terms, just add or subtract the things that are like each other (don't mix apples with oranges!)

  2. Combining like terms means if you have this equation:


    You would put the x's together, and put the m's together.



    Does that make sense?

    Here's a website I found to help:

  3. Combining like terms means to put like term togethers, e.g.

    4A + 3B - A - 2B = ?

    Since 4A and -A are like terms, they combine into 3A.  Likewise 3B and -2B are like terms and they combine into B.  Therefore the equation above becopmes 3A + B = ?

  4. hope this helps.

    In algebra, you often " combine like terms" -- you sort and collect terms which are like, then write a simplified expression.

    In algebra & problems 2.) and 3.), all terms are not "like", they don't even look alike. So, one combines the ones which are "like," which have exactly the same variable factors.




    1.)    3 + 5 x 2 + 4 (The x here is the multiplication symbol, not a variable.)

    2.)    3 + 5x + 4 (Here x is the variable number, x.)

    3.)    3 + 5x2 + 4x + 4 (Here x is the variable number, x.)

    4.)    3 + 5(x + 4) + 4 (Here x is the variable number, x, and one must distribute.)

  5. Well, it's like kindergarden.

    If you have three apples, and you get two more, you have five.

    3 apples + 2 apples = 5 apples.

    3x + 2x = 5x

    If you have six pears, and you sell two pears, you have four.

    6 pears - 2 pears = 4 pears

    6y - 2y = 4y

    But, if you have two apples, and you get two pears, you have two apples and two pears.

    2x + 2y = 2x + 2y

  6. can you give an example?  i'm thinking that it means to combine all the numbers without "x"s, "y"s, etc. (numbers that are just numbers) and then you separate out the "x"s & "y"s, etc. so if you had


    after you combine like terms you would have


    but this might be more basic that the algebra you are doing - so if you posted a sample question - it would be easier for people to help you...

  7. combining like terms is very simple. Combining like terms is when your combining numbers that has the same letter next to it. There are exceptions and rules you must learn.

    If this equation came up


    What you would do is Take the numbers with out the variable next to it and add it because you cant add 2 numbers that have different variables. So the next step would be


    Now you add the 2 numbers with the same variable and you get 7+5y

    Its as simple as that you could NEVER add or subract x or y's together or any type of variable. it must be the same "letter" which is what we call variable.

    You should check out some help online if you dont understand this good luck it will come natural to you  

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