
Can some Americans tell me HOW exactly the American media is "liberal"?

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Do you say it as a laugh? Sarcasm? Or are you being serious?




  1. Several 1,000 samples on link below.  Heck, even the jokes from late night shows are more based against conservatives views. 694 on McCain vs 126 on Obama.  

    It is understandable that Europeans don't see it since the liberal mind set is "normal" for them whereas it not so the U.S.

  2. Members of the media are overwhelmingly liberal themselves, which wouldn't be a problem if they did their job correctly, but of course they don't.  They continually give more favorable coverage to Dems over Reps and try to make excuses for whenever a Dem is involved in a scandal (Edwards) but when a Rep is involved (Craig) they condemn not only him, but the entire party and conservative movement.  Similar scandals, far different coverage.  They continually ignore stories that would make conservatives look good or make liberals look bad, thinking that if they don't cover valid news stories, you won't know about it so they essentially attempt to deceive all of us.  When asked about why the NY Times didn't cover the Edwards scandal until after the National Enquirer got him to come out and admit it, one of their editors simply said "it becomes news when we say it's news".  They continually words of Reps out of context and try to make a story out of it.  They ignore polls showing McCain leading but when polls show Obama leading it becomes a major news story.  When Obama went to Europe all three networks followed him but when McCain went no one followed him.  When a news network got off the ground with the intent to become "fair and balanced", they were accused of being conservative.  Of course, what happened was Fox News was staking the middle ground and everyone else was on the left, so they looked relatively conservative by comparison, despite having numerous liberal commentators on their staff.

    OK, I could go on and on but obviously I don't have all day, and you get the point anyway.  The media are no longer trustworthy as they've been shamefully in the Dem's back pocket and have hoped to sway the election in their favor, only now it's more and more obvious.  If you're getting all your news from TV and newspapers, you're getting one side of the story and worse yet, you're woefully mis- informed and under- informed.  Thankfully, people are waking up to this fact and taking power for themselves and away from the mainstream media.  Profits for most newspapers is down and it has nothing to do with people's ability or willingness to read.  It's just that people are getting sick and tired of reading trash.  And it'll make for a more informed electorate in the end.

  3. A very small part of the American media is really liberal. However Republicans and programs like Fox News label anyone who differs from them as liberal For instance The Washington Post and the New York Times, which are respectable middle of the rod, have been label thus. Liberal in the US has become a word of opprobium among the right wing.

  4. It is well known and accepted that American TV is liberal, while talk radio is overwhelmingly conservative.  I'm fine with that since I don't watch to much TV anymore. Just look at all the c**p on TV. It's nothing but garbage for the soul.  

  5. Well all the major networks followed Obama overseas for the first time, while Mccain went there numerous times and got no press coverage.  This was the same time they both were running for president.

    Got it?

  6. US conservatives have been saying that ever since the media started investigating the Watergate Scandal in 1972. It's just something they say over and over again, like the apostle's creed, until they believe it.

  7. Watch "Countdown" -w- Keith Olberman on MSNBC.

    Then you'll get it.  It's very Serious.

  8. Try reading the NYT.  You should be able to find it at a newsstand.  Count the number of favorable articles about liberal causes and compare it to the number of favorable articles about conservative causes.  Then you'll understand it.  Simply denying that the media is liberally biased doesn't hold water.  One has to look at the facts.

  9. I don't see the American Media as being liberal.  Fox News isn't liberal.  New York Times isn't Liberal.  They were the ones who first reported the Clinton's involvement in Whitewater.  After they broke the story, everyone got a hold of it.  

    I think what it may be is that Conservatives call anything that is to the left of their political beliefs Liberal.  Anyone who is different from them is Liberal.  And Liberals are ruining this country.  Conservatives are never going to say that they are even partially responsible for our problems.  They're always going to blame someone else.  Hypocrisy at its finest.

    Conservatives also have anger management problems.  They should start yelling about something any moment now.  


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