
Can some digital binoculars...?

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...amplify light in every wavelengths so that it can produce an image that is very clear even though the diameter of the objective is small. I specified in every wavelength because i know night vision binoculars do enhance light but seems to do it just is green so it gives crappy images. Therefore, I want to know if some binoculars can intensify light and still give a real color image.

thank you




  1. no, not really.

    you can mess with colour gain settings in digital hardware, but the results tend to be pretty grainy.

  2. No, it's very unlikely. Photo quality images from Hubble for example are artificially coloured if the colours were visible this extra process would be unnecessary.

  3. The color information gets lost in the amplification process. The green color of the output is from the phosphor screen used to display the image. To display a color image they'd need to use three separate image amplifiers and combine the outputs, or develop a new type of image amplifier. Doing it in color would decrease the light sensitivity somewhat, though, which goes against the primary purpose of night-vision optics.

  4. The green color is in the display tube and is not the green light but the inf-red light ,which is heat..

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