
Can some doctors help with me some type of medical issue???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i have this bump that is about one centimeter above my belly button and it is a little bit smaller than a marble. I was wondering what it is it petrudes especially when i work out or do sit ups or eat. I am really worried it might be a tumor or something. I just wanted to see what someone else has to say before i go to the doctor




  1. Is it a hard bump, or can you push down on it?

  2. Of course! Any physician would be HAPPY to risk their medical license by diagnosing online! Youv'e come to the right place!

    And . . . "petrudes"? Yikes.

  3. Just make an appointment with your doctor for that but, I don't think...based on what you just said, that is something you should worry about.  It could possibly be part of your own flesh from the belly button that petruded out when you were a baby when they stiched up your belly button...sometimes there are small fleshy bits around the belly button that are just there and depending on how big they are sometimes based on how active you might be,  these fleshy bits might actually swell up with blood flow...misleading you to believe that you have a tumor or something worst.  Like I said, just check yourself with your doctor first and get the info!

  4. I'm not a doctor but can you push it back in?  If so, maybe you have a hernia.  Go see the doc!

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