
Can some explain the types of wrestlers there r.?

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as in technical





high flyer




and i kno wat they r i just wanted more specific answers




  1. 1. Benoit/ Kurt Angle

    2. Holly ?

    3. Cena

    4. Batista/Mark Henry

    5.Rey Myestrio

    6. Jeff Hardy/AJ Styles

    7. Tommy Dreamer

    8. Sabu

    9. Khail?

    Hope that helps

  2. 1. Angle/Hart.

    2. Matt Hardy

    3. Cena

    4. HHH

    5. Mysterio

    6. Wang Yang

    7. (almost extinct!) Mick Foley

    8. Jeff Hardy

    9. JBL/ Umaga

  3. Some of the types of wrestlers you mentioned such as "ultraviolent" and "extreme" aren't even wrestling/fighting types.  However some are. Here's my best explanation:

    Technical:  Somebody who spends alot of time engaing in mat wrestling and less time flying from turnbuckles or running around the ring.  Technical wrestlers mostly perform takedowns and headlocks, and in most cases already have some kind of amutuer wrestling background.  These wrestlers, who are often called "technically sound" are known for engaging in chain wrestling which consist of an array of fast paced moves of minimal effect used to "feel out" the opponent and impress the crowd.

    Grappler:  Grappler is another name for wrestler.  More specifically grapplers, I would imagine, are known for keeping their oppenents grounded and performing power moves such as scoopslams and suplexes.

    Brawler: Brawlers are guys (an girls) who love to use their fists, knees, elblows, or anything else that can be used to "rough up" an opponent.  Brawlers usually get away with attacking their opponents and not getting DQ'd, but that's not always the case, especially in WWE.  Brawlers are known for striking their opponents more than just wrestling them.

    Powerhouse: Powerhouses are the big, strong, guys who use their excessive strength to pick up their opponents over their head and use any neccesary tactics to send them crashing back down to the mat.  Powerhouses are usually those 7 foot, 300 pound guys that WWE loves to hire because of their muscles.  

    Luchador: Luchadors, to my knowledge originally hailed from Mexico.  These guys are the masked stereotypical wrestlers that TV shows like to parody.  These guys wear colorful costumes and follow mexican tradition by not taking off their masks during competions.  These guys like to fly all over the ring and perform high impact moves which send crowds all over the world in a frenzy.

    High flyer: These guys are similar to luchadors and to my knowledge the only thing that sets them apart is ethnicity.  While luchadors are high-flying wrestlers of Spanish decent, high flyers are ANYBODY who has an arsenal consisting of high impact and innovative moves.

    Hardcore: Hardcore wrestlers were made famous in the original ECW.  They are the guys who use everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes even the sink itself) to wack their opponents with the intention of causing excruciating pain. Hardcore wrestlers usually take high impact spots, bumps, and bruises, and are associated with the term "spot-monkey" at times.  In addition to regular wrestling matches, these guys are famous for wrestling in gimmick matches such as street fights and first blood matches which further display their toughness and endurance with blood and pain

    Extreme: To my knowledge, this along with "ultraviolent" isn't actually a fighting style but just an adjective to call hardcore wrestlers.

    ultraviolent: See above.

  4. Most of these terms are subjective to the person who uses them, especially the term Technical.  I consider a technical wrestler anyone who knows their basic textbook game, and has an arsenal of submissions, whereas I see a grappler as being more along the lines of a more-than-average chain wrestler whom can reverse in and out of a move, and counter with ease.  A brawler's a fairly 2 dimensional term that really doesn't have much variation.  Anyone who depends on their fists predominantly is a brawler.  Examples would be Steve Austin or the Undertaker, a major part of their arsenal is their punch.  There's an off-branch of this term called a "striker" which I've always considered to be people who throw mostly chops and kicks, like CM Punk.  A powerhouse is anyone who has the height, strength, or intensity to overpower their opponent with the most basic move.  A luchador commonly refers to a Mexican masked wrestler who relies mostly on high flying moves, the occasional chain wrestling, and hurricanranas.  Traditionally, luchadors aren't big on striking, and wrestle fairly lightly.  A high flyer is a more culturally diverse way to classify a luchador style, although it's a bit more broad.  Someone who does one or two high flying moves, like Jeff Hardy, could be considered a high flyer, although they do tend to work the ground with a basic textbook style.  Hardcore wrestling is when someone depends less on any set type of style or rule, and uses their environment or a weapon to gain an advantage, and high spots to get over.  The archetypical hardcore wrestler in my mind is Sandman.  He lacks very much ring skill, and yet manages to get by simply by whacking opponents with a singapore cane.  Mick Foley's another good example.  He's got a basic understanding of how to work a match without weapons, but does better when he's able to land big spots, like a sick bump, or a flying elbow off of the apron, or using a flaming weapon, or thumbtacks.  Other terms that refer to "hardcore" wrestling are "garbage wrestling" which is an industry term, and "Ultra Violent" which is the label Combat Zone Wrestling has put on their specifically gory style of wrestling.  Extreme can be a middle ground between hardcore and high flying, and can consist of high spot no-limits moves, like a moonsault off of a high object, or simply an insane spot, like a powerbomb through a flaming table.  Extreme doesn't necessarily have to be hardcore, but hardcore is most commonly referred to as extreme.  As stated before, Ultra Violent (a reference to "A Clockwork Orange") is about as hardcore or extreme as you can get.  It's downright tasteless hardcore that has ended careers, and left plenty of independent guys in hospitals.  This is a more backyard style that involves using light tubes in various ways, barbwire is commonplace, and I wouldn't be surprised if C4 hasn't been utilized.  UV is kind of like Hardcore to the next level, to the point where it's not really that entertaining anymore, and more desensitizing than anything else.  This could involve rings full of things like salt and thumbtacks.

    I hope this helps you differenciate

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