My great grandma has lived in her house since it was built in the 1960s. It's a creepy house, and lots of things have gone wrong in there, although there haven't been any deaths. It's got a very uncomfortable feeling, and as though something is watching you. I stayed there for two nights a few weeks ago and couldn't sleep on the second night. I felt quite frightened.
My nephew saw something a few years ago and my sister, husband and kids wont go in there again. My great grandma says she also saw something but several years ago. I never have, and don't even know if I believe in ghosts. It couldn't be haunted anyway because my great grandma has been the only person to live there since it was built. There's defiantly a negative atmosphere in there though.
17 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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11 minutes ago
The houses there were built on waste land that were swamps, and I was informed for the first few years afterwards they had drainage problems because the land wasn't drained properly first. The garden would get full of water, and frogs and everything on there. There are also mine shafts underneath. We often wondered if something bad happened on the land or in the mine shafts.