
Can some one explain what are socrates?

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  1. Socrates is a very famous philosopher who laid the foundations for psychology as we know it with his theories of the mind/body dilema.  Just put "socrates" in your google toolbar and loads of info will come up.  He was a very interesting man.

  2. Follow the link

  3. More than ones sokrate

  4. Socrates was a Greek philosopher.

    According to Plato's "Apologia," a friend had asked the Oracle at Delphi who the wisest man in the world was, and she told him that this was Socrates. Shocked at the answer, Socrates reportedly travelled to Athens to consult people he felt were truly wise...other philosophers, experts in law and religion, etc. However, upon examining each of their thoughts and beliefs, he found that their reasons and logic were lacking. He was therefore the wisest, not because he had wisdom, but because he was the only one who admitted that he ultimately knew nothing.

    Socrates didn't make many friends with his manner of questioning, and was eventually placed on trial for "corrupting the youth" and "making the weaker argument the stronger." He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

    According to Plato's "Crito," he rejected arguments while imprisoned to effect an escape by bribing the guards, on the argument that he was found guilty in a fair trial in a city whose laws he had agreed to obey.

    According to Plato's "Phaedo," he drank hemlock when presented with it by his executioner and died in the presence of the men who had followed his guidance.

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