
Can some one fix my Yugioh Deck?

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Can some one rate fix my new deck ive been using I just made this deck after buying a few booster backs and 2 structure and trading them to make this deck (Im a noob when it comes to yugioh) Its an earth beat down deck

Tribute monsters-3 all 5-6 star

1X Raiza the storm Monarch

1x Freed the Matchless General

1x Caius the Shadow Monarch

Non Tribute Monsters

3x giant rats

1x Bazoo the soul eater

1x hyper hammerhead

1x Goblin Attack Force

3x Exiled force

1x beserk gorilla

2x D.D assailant

2x Gigantes

1x Sangan

3x nimble momonga

1x Goblin Elite Attack force

1x Neo Spacian Grand Mole

1x Legenedary jujitsu master


1x Monster reborn

1xMystical space typhoon

2x Gia POwer

1x Premature burial

1x Reinforcment of the army

1x heavy storm

1x Nobleman of crossout

1x lightning vortex

1x brain control


1 Sakaretsu Armor

2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

1 torrential tribute

1 Return from teh different demnsion

1 magic drain




  1. you Need blue eyes white draogn and CALL OF THE HAUNTED AND MAGIC CYLINDER

  2. It is not good but not bad. If you want a beat down deck you need more power. I would lose freed, return from the different, they have no purpose there. I would also and imdominable fighter lei lei, and more goblin elite attack force. Swift gaia is good for this too. I would also consider more power ups like united we stand, demon axe, or black pendant. For traps magic cylinder, ring of destruction, and royal decree would be good adds

  3. Lose:

    - Freed the Matchless General, because it doesn't do anything

    - Hyper Hammerhead, returning monsters to your opponent's hand isn't good in this format.

    - Goblin Attack Force, granted, high attack monsters are not good in this game no more.

    - Beserk Gorilla, same as above.

    - Goblin Elite Attack  Force. same as above.

    - 2 Gaia Power, field spells can benefit your opponent as well.

    - Reinforcement of the Army, don't want to have a card that is restricted to 5 options.

    - 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device, as I said returning monsters to your opponent's hand isn't good anymore.

    - Magic Drain, it's good, but your opponent could negate it easily. It might belong to a Counter Fairy deck only.


    + 2 Legendary Jujitsu Master, making your opponent attacking monster to the top of their deck slows them down.

    + Smashing Ground, a removal of their monster is good.

    + 2 Shrink, a card that can weaken your opponent's monster when attacking.

    + 3 Bottomless Trap Hole, gets rid of monarchs, etc.

    + Solemn Judgment/Dark Bribe, get rid of any threat

    + Mirror Force, staple, and can get rid of a lot of monsters. If you can't get it then get another Dimensional Prison/Sakuretsu Armor.

    Good luck with your fixing.

  4. apparently these guys are noobs as well, because call of the haunted is banned! dont add that! next, exiled force is limited to one! other than that i dont see much of a problem with this deck. 8.2/10

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