
Can some one give me some advice?

by Guest33146  |  earlier

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well im g*y andi've slowly been telling people and i dont know if its better to tell girls or guys? i've told only 1 guy and he was fine with it but i've told 3 girls and 2 havent talked to me since and 1 was fine. can some one please help me?




  1. it all depends on theyre personality,,

    and theyre views on g*y,,

    it really has nothing to do with gender,,

    just their morals and the way their family raised them.

  2. Well, typically, girls are more open to g*y guys than guys are. There was a g*y rights silence thing at my school (something like that, some kid was shot for being g*y, died, and they did this thing were they satyed silent for g*y people) and there were a whole bunch of girls who were doing it. About 34 girls...and like 2 guys. So, I think this kinda answers your question =)

  3. Girls are the one more likely to accept the g*y part.  The only people I've told so far are girls, because there are simply too many close minded guys.  By the way, first answerer, it's called "Day of Silence", and yeah, I only knew one guy who participated (besides me of course)

  4. Hello jc, we all go through this. In the end it is very good, because it makes you discover immediately which people are worth the while to spend time and energy with or for.

    Someone who feels comfortable with his or her sexuality, never has any problem with you having a different orientation. It are the ones that have insecurities, or with a poor education...

    Mmm, I seem to be harsh here... sorry for that... Just take all the time of the world and let your intuition guide you :) Good luck!

  5. it doesn't matter which u tell because whichever s*x they are if they are truly your friends they wont mind so tell people you trust

  6. honestly, it's not the gender it's the type of person they are. I have alot of guys friends and when I told them I was g*y they were all very accepting. I have told my female friends and they were cool to, but because I was closer with my guy friends they were more supportive. Tell your closest friends doesn't matter if there guys or girls.

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