
Can some one help me on a theater project???

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ok this is what i have to do, i need a song that tells a story. like for example "Before He Cheats" in that song the story is a guy cheating on his girlfriend, but what a good example of what i have to do is take that songs story and make it odd and or diffrent (like insteed of a guy cheating on a girl, the teacher said two kids cheating on a test and one wouldn;t give the answers to the other so she mested up his toy car) get it? yea well i can't think of any. oh and it doesnt have to be that song it can be anyone you want (mind that im in high school so cuss words need to kept at a minamim) plz and thank you!!1 T_T




  1. "Run, Johnny, Run". It's an old song about a girl who wants to marry a boy that her parents don't like. The girl ends up getting shot by her father when she gets in the way of him trying to shoot Johnny.

    Or Aerosmith's 'Janie's Got a Gun'.  

  2. Have you been assigned to write a parody?  That means to take a song and change words to make it fit some other situation with humor. So figure it out.

  3. How about Stand by Rascal Flatts but instead of them watching each other cause they are in "love" make it seem like they hate each other

  4. what about... "i could have danced all night" and instead of being in love, be someone who drank alot of coffee

    i dont know...

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