
Can some one help me out real quick?

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k so while i was on vacation, my aunt and i went to a picnic, and there they had these two "fortune tellers" that read palms and tarrot cards. well as you might have guessed, how can anyone resist taking a look..

but these women were clearly not professionals and they left me kinda confused. if anyone can help clarify things id really appreciate it

the woman looked at both my palms because i have different lines on either one.. she mentioned something about how my left hand showed my potential in life, and my right hand showing what i do in life.... wtf? then she muttered something about reincarnation, and when i started asking questions she moved on to the tarrot reading

she said i could ask one question.. and i specifically chose the wording for my question so that she wouldn't start doing any random s***. i stated my question as follows: "why is it that i cannot forget my ex bf". she told me to draw 3 cards from the deck, one symbolized my past, another my present, and lastly my future.


2: it was 9 of cups. she said abundance?? i know 9 is my lucky number but thats all :]

3: the sun....she said its the best card in the deck. and getting that for my future, meant that i shouldn't forget about him?! she wasn't very clear and said i should follow my heart... which i do anyway


thanks in advance




  1. It is hard to tell someone aboutt hier life if they don't really know you. But I agree these people sound unproffesioinal. I'm no expert myself but I'll have a go.

    I THINK that the first one means that you were lonely before. Not v difficult. Your ex made you feel good and filled the gap, hence the abundance. In the future, you will ether find someone else to fill this gap, or you may fill it on your own.

    I'm not great and it easier face to face, but I had a go. You can make of it waaht you will.


    Try making your own meaning from these cards. From what I know she didn't set them out right or anything but that doesn't mean their not significant. Try and apply what you know about the cards to the situation and you might find something.

  2. Bearing in mind i've spoken to many psychics, tarot readers and palmists who fully acknowledge that they have no abilities whatsoever but feel no guilt for taking good people's money for what they do because in their head it's justified by telling the person what they want to hear. And thus either making their day or giving them something to think about.

    Others believe in what they do because they so desperately want to have this mystical art and convince themselves they do. It doesn't make it any more real.

    Now I cannot say 100% that there's no one who may have some form of psychic gift, but I would 100% say that 95% at least do not, and deep down they know it!

    This women has been so vague and blatantly given you a COLD READING! You can tell from what was said. It means nothing.

    Google/YouTube how well Derren Brown can cold read, and he's twenty times better at it than a lot of these people while fully acknowledging that he's just cold reading to prove a point.

    If you can't get over your ex, it's down to human nature and time, please don't buy into these charlatans and please read up on cold reading and see what has happened to you here x

  3. I know nothing about palmistry because I want to know nothing about it, so I can't comment on that aspect of your encounter. Tarot I have spent some time working with.

    I'll mention first that the three-card spread is a perfectly acceptable divinatory technique, although I suspect most readers would consider it rather limiting.

    If you're wanting other peoples' impressions on the cards drawn, then the first problem I have is that, in the Tarot decks I'm familiar with, there is no card called "Loneliness".

    As for the Sun being the final card, then yes, I agree with the reader when she said it was a wholly positive card for you. In the Rider-Waite pack, the picture is of an androgynous child riding a horse in a garden with the sun shining down on the scene. I'm sure some readers could, in certain contexts, interpret this scene in a negative or ominous way, but it seems to me very positive and suggestive of you moving forward into a better place. In the context of your romantic life, you could see yourself as the child and the horse as love. Since the horse is without a bridle and the child rides it with arms spread wide as if welcoming whatever may come, the card might be suggesting that you allow love to take you where it will.

    The second card is a bit more problematic. Again, in the Rider-Waite deck, 9 Cups shows a rather smug and self-satisfied looking man sitting in front of a curved table on which nine cups are arrayed. The immediately obvious meaning of all the golden cups is prosperity and contentment, but study the card a bit more closely and two things become noticeable: first, the man is sitting with his back to the table. Second, there is a long tablecloth concealing the underside of the table down to the floor. In the context of your love-life and recent history, perhaps the card is suggesting you need to turn around, lift up the tablecloth and spend a bit of time poking around in the gloom to see what's lurking there?

    That is, by the way, exactly the opposite of the advice I'd normally give if someone were to ask me how they could move on in a romantic sense. I believe that it's all too easy to get caught up in navel-gazing and worrying about what's dead, done and gone, but maybe the card is suggesting something else for you.

  4. you were lonely in the past youll have nine kids sure as the sun sets

  5. Well if you say these women weren't professional then why take their readings seriously? Matter fact don't take life too seriously. Just live and let live, ya know? Don't worry so much about the future because you'll never know what it holds and the only way you can try to make it better is by doing great things now. Maybe the reason you can't forget about your ex is because he took you to that "level" you never been before and that no one after him has taken you to or above that level yet. Ya know? We have these little things in life called lessons. Lessons that helps us understand the situation better in the future. So don't sweat it and just be happy with life. take it easy =)

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