
Can some one help me

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well i haven't miss a period i have taking 3 pregnancy test an all were negative but i still feel pregnancy my breast are getting bigger my back and feet are hurting i have frequent headaches my abodominals are tender it feels like my period is coming on an it been like that for a while even after i get my period and its over am waitin until the in august to get a bleed test




  1. there can be a combination of things. The mind is a powerful thing. You seem like you want to be pregnant.. and when you want something.. your brain can trick you. you body can create symptoms . it's a tricky but true fact lol I wish you the best of luck & tons of baby dust

  2. Sometimes there isn't enough HCG (this is a hormone that pregnant women have when they get pregnant) in your urine to determine if you are pregnant or not, or maybe you are not far enough along to determine if you are pregnant. The sure fire way is to get a blood test from your doctor.

    Good luck.  

  3. You may be taking the test to soon. Remember, some pregnancy symptoms start as early as 2 weeks after conception, which is completely too early to find out by a test if you are indeed pregnant. You should wait until you get a missed period to began  trying to take tests.
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