
Can some one help me with my deck?

by  |  earlier

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monster cards

2 the creators

3 the creator incarnates

2 cyber dragons

2 exiled force

2 blade khights

2 caius the shadow monarch

1 DD warrior lady

1 treeborn


1 marshmallon

1 neo spacian grand mole

1 jinzo

1 destiny hero disk commander

spell cards

2 reinforcements of the army

2 enemy controller

1 pot of avarice

1swords of revealing light

1 giant trunade

1 brain control

1 premature burial

1 heavy storm

1 nobleman of crossout

1 smashing ground

1 mystical space typhoon

1 lightning vortex

1 foolish burial

trap cards

2 widespread ruin

2 threatening roar

1 mirror force

1 forced back




  1. i dont think u can win to many ppl wit ur deck.

    i think u need a lot  of effect cards.

    when i made a deck with effect cards i havent lost a dule so it very fun to use it too cause my friends r always scared to attack cause my effect can back fire to them so it 5 times more easy to win.

  2. run monster reborn instead of premeture burial(it's not banned u know) giant tornade is not as good as nobleman of extermination. using sakurasu armor or dimonsinal prison is perfered to theatening roar. the D-hero don't really work and I see no point in foolish burial.  an extra cyber dragon instead of a blade knight won't hurt either.  I personally perfer warped-gene warefolf to it.  the deck is basically beat down, and need a bit more power house cards... because there is no specific combo to tie them together

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