
Can some one help me with my questions about 28 days later?

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Q1: why do the the army people kick jim out?


Q2:was any 1 Else disappointed with the ending?




  1. Cuz they wanted to get it on with the woman/girl  and no the ending was pretty good!

  2. 1. The major kicked Jim out because Jim didn't agree with the what they wanted to do and he wouldn't let them have Selena and Hannah to procreate with. (The major promised his men women) The major thought it was better to lock Jim up than to let him get in their way.

    2. The dvd has I think 2 additional endings. I wasn't disappointed by it, although I did enjoy the additional endings. If you notice when Jim is locked up with a military guy who was cast out, the other military guy is talking about how the British island was quarantined and how the infection didn't spread around the world like the major had led them to believe. So in the end it shows them surviving and waving down planes to show that they're still alive.

  3. I thought they kicked him out so they could 'have their way' with the girls. Maybe i'm wrong?

    i quite liked the ending but there is an alternate one on the DVD incase maybe you'd prefer that?

  4. they kick jim out so then can have s*x with the girls so they can repopulate the nation

    and no i thought the ending made sense

    it meant the virus hadn't spread it had stayed in mainland britain

  5. So they can get Jiggy with the girlies and no I thought the ending was alright

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