
Can some one help with with this question?

by Guest21593  |  earlier

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ok i have this essay i have to do and the question is

can someone tell me what are some social political and econamical effects of the cold war




  1. nice one..ill brief em up

    go to the net and see

    the blocs..

    the treaties between countries..

    non aligned countries..

    for a better understanding

    try this

  2. Look it up on the internet, dude...duh!

  3. The effects would depend entirely upon which country you are writing.  In the U.S., an entire industry was created around the production and sale (to not just the U.S.  military but to other countries as well.  A classic example would be both California's aviation industry and Northop's bid to build and market the F-20 fast response fighter jet (it was an upgraded version of the F-5E).  It (the arms industry) was an economic boon.  California built it's entire existence around the military, with all of its natural sea ports.  They grew tired and extremely liberal in their political views and gave the military the boot.

    In countries like those in Central America, the USSR and the U.S.A. played out their war by proxy, using the dictatorships of little countries to spread their political beliefs - untold thousands died.  Cuba has suffered immensely with the U.S. imposed embargo - for having accepted support from the USSR.

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