
Can some one please help my son he has brought home a math question?

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marcus drew 8 cards from a pile 10,8,4,5,8,6,12,1find the following landmarks maximum,median,range,minimum? please help he is in the 5th grade and i cant help him,i am lost?




  1. The maximum is the largest card he drew.  That would be 12.

    The range is the difference between the largest card he drew and the smallest.  That would be 12 - 1 = 11

    The minimum is the smallest card he drew.  That would be 1.

    The median is the card in the middle - the one such that half the cards are larger and half smaller.  Sort them first:

    1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 10, 12

    The median comes between 6 and 8, so call it 7.

  2. the range is 11,

    because the lowest number is 1, and the highest number is 12, and the difference between those 2 numbers is 11.

    the median is the middle number.

    1, 4, 5, *6, 8*, 8, 10, 12

    so the answer is 7 for median because 7 is in the middle of 6 and 8

    maximum meaning highest number 12 (?)

    and minimum meaning lowest number 1(?)

    im just assuming for those two.

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