
Can some one rate my pokemon dimond team?

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these are my pokemon : epoleon lv. 64 moves:surf,hydro cannon,drill peck,hydro pump glalie lv. 62 moves:blizzard,ice beam,sheer cold,crunch infernape lv53 moves:ember,blast burn,close combat,flame wheel alakazam lv 73:moves calm mind ,psycho cut,recover,psychic espeon lv 50 moves:future sight,psybeam,cunfusion,last resort palkia lv 65 moves:water pulse,earth power,dragon pulse,spacial rend thats all.




  1. my team is dialga lv100 regigigas lv100 ho oh lv100 darkrai lv100 arceus lv100 and jirachi lv45

  2. Its good, cool and awesome!

  3. First off, you have two Psychic-types. You may have Infernape covering for them, but just to be safe, get a Flying-type in there and get rid of Espeon. You definitely have been focusing too much on your Alakazam. He's ten levels above the rest of your team, so focus on your other team members. Get rid of Ember on your Infernape and replace it with Sunny Day (this increases your Fire-type attacks). Also, explain how you got a Palkia in there! Unless you traded, it's otherwise impossible to get Palkia into Pokemon Diamond. You also have too many water-tyes. Get a Grass-type in there and, no matter what it may be, teach it SolarBeam! This can be used in conjunction with your Infernape's Sunny Day, which really helps. Other than that, 7.5/10.

  4. good team but u dont need all them water types mix it up get a grass type

  5. bad bad bad. ok not that bad lol. i rate it a 5/10 suggestion:


    hydro cannon/ hydo pump- for power, its up to u

    surf- for accuracy

    drill peck

    earthquake/ rock slide



    ice beam




    close combat

    blast burn

    swords dance

    stone edge/fire blitz

    get rid of alakazam or espeon, it leaves your team very vulnerable to dark types. i would chose espeon

    calm mind



    morning sun

    dialga- its fine, plus im not a fan of legends

    i would reccomend you getting a grass type like or flying type to complete your team.

  6. nice iv'e got no action replay and i have a lv.100 palkia, lv.100 epoleon,lv.100 luxray,lv.100 mew,lv.100 arceus,lv.100 Entei (those are the ones i use most often but iv'e also got most legendaries from most games (lv.80-100)

    so want to trade???

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