
Can some one tell me about lucid dreaming?

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ive been keeping a dream diary for ages and i want to know more about lucid dreaming

i know about all the different techniques i just dont really understand how to do them

can anyone tell me some easy to understand instructions?




  1. couldnt tell ya im always asleep lol tc

  2. Well as I'm sure you know lucid dreams are where you are aware your dreaming and so can control what happens in the dreams.

    I can't help you with having them though as I have never needed to try.I started having them at a very young age and still do.It seems to run in the family as my niece has them too.

    Look on the internet-i'm sure there are some good sites there.If you want them enough to be willing to pay you could consult some kind of sleep therapist I suppose.


    here this should help you, happy reading

  4. i have lucid dreams for years and have no Idea that I was capealble of them

    A lucid dream is a term originated by Celia Green for a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress, also known as a conscious dream. When the dreamer is lucid, he or she can actively participate in the dream environment without any of the inhibitions or limitations that otherwise would feel natural to persons who incorrectly believe they are in the "real" waking world. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.

    A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

    the first time I had a lucid dream it was a nightmare... which I tend to have alot of... Everytime I have a nightmare I can never call 911... Once I have realised while dreaming that 911 is not working I remember that I am dreaming! From the point I know I am dreaming I can do whatever I want to change the situation I am in.

    What you would need to do is find a common bond in your dreams... something that occurs so that you know you are dreaming... at that point you mind is the limit.

    have happy dreams!

  5. I've answered a lot of questions about this before... here's my view on it:


    There are three major ways to become lucid:

    -Go to sleep and realize you are dreaming during your dream by training yourself to always be on the lookout for "dream signs" (more later)

    -Go directly from awake to dreaming by continuously concentrating on lucid dreams until you fall asleep

    -Wake up while in the middle of a dream (any multiple of 90 or 100 minutes after falling asleep,) then concentrate on where you left off and fall back asleep


    Most people who want to lucid dream like training themselves to do "reality checks" around thirty times a day. A reality check is when you look around for impossible or improbably things, pinch yourself, and try and do things that would be impossible if you weren't dreaming.

    I personally find this a bit pointless, because there is always a vague hazy feeling during a dream, no matter how realistic it feels at first. If you focus on concentrating on your surroundings to see whether you are feeling that hazy feeling or not several times a day, you will get into the habit of doing that in your dreams.


    To prepare for becoming lucid, you should have a couple easily-remembered goals of what to do- that way when you become lucid, you won't be completely overwhelmed. Flying is a popular one.

    Start by controlling your own reactions- talk to the dream characters maybe.

    Once you feel comfortable with that, try giving yourself an impossible or improbable ability. The key trick is to believe what you want to do is possible. If you jump off a building in a dream and expect yourself to fall, you won't fly. But if you imagine a pair of wings sprouting from your back and carrying you off, you might manage.

    Then, once comfortable with that excersize, you can try influencing things or people around you in similar fashion. Imagine the house turning into a mansion, your sister turning into a cat, or your enemy bowing to you and declaring your superiority, believe it will happen, and, above all... practise!

    Good luck with your lucid dreaming!

  6. also helpful.

    A major key is self-motivation.

    This is not necessarily motivation as we often think of it (grunting, deliberating choosing a new hairstyle, etc., etc.).

    The level of motivation is more at one's soul level--the level of the inner childlike, with its love, trust, interest, right desire (versus the childish, which may require healing).

    When one's waking subconscious, which more accurately reflects one's desires, moves into sleep, it becomes one's dreaming conscious.  It is much less likely to fake desire.

    So, to become more lucid in both waking and dreaming, is the key; to become more lucid, become more loving, championing your inner childlike qualities, remembering who you are. is helpful re the latter.

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,

    "Dreams" and "Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.,

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Khartidi, and

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet, are good motivators.

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