
Can some one tell me about making suishi and like i live in Northern Ireland so don't be sayin any thing fancy

by  |  earlier

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Ok i live in Northern Ireland and i want to make sushi ive got the rolling mat and all that stuff but need to know the ingrediants to make it ok..




  1. eat good old irish food not tha t j*p siht fing auffuuulll

  2. Take a visit to Video Jug

    This site will explain it in that will help...

    It covers the steps from the rice to the sushi or sashimi.

    Oh and you can always make up the rice. Line an egg cup with cling film, layer in thin slices of salmon then fill with rice. Fold back over the edges of salmon. Then remove and unwrap to give you a perfect little salmon & rice creation.

    In our house we can always find the basics.  Rice, Sushi Vinegar, Nori sheets, cucumber, eggs to make an omlette, canned tuna or prawns.  Smoked Salmon if we are lucky too.

  3. seeweed

    sushi rice

    soy sauce

    wasabe paste

    sesame seeds .. outside

    fresh fish .. smoked salam, tuna etc etc



  4. you can buy it in marks and spencers ready made or they sell sushi rice check the pack maybe a recipe there. sorry i dont like the stuff myself. peppers sweetcorn soy sauce

  5. go to the link below, I actually learned this two weeks ago.  Seeing it makes it so much easier.

  6. People who make sushi  take a special class.

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