
Can some one tell me how to blow a bubble with gum?

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Can some one tell me how to blow a bubble with gum?




  1. Stick in in your a**s and f**t.

  2. Buy gum that is specifically made for blowing bubbles.

    Chew it vigorously until you feel that it's rubbery and smooth, rather than sticky, sandy and rough.

    Saliva helps a lot in this process, so go ahead and just mix the two of them.

    When you feel that it's nice and firm, use your tongue to roll the gum into a ball and put it in the middle of your tongue.

    Press the ball between your tongue and the roof of your mouth to make it flat, a bubblegum pancake, if you will.

    Gently conduct this pancake and set it vertically on the back part of your front teeth, which should now be closed.

    Slightly open your mouth and use your tongue to push the central part of the pancake out of your mouth between your teeth.

    Your mouth should not be completely open, nor your teeth completely closed.

    Still holding the border of the pancake between your front teeth, gently wrap your slightly moistened lips around the part of the gum sticking out of your mouth, and start blowing very slowly.

    As the bubble (hopefully) grows you can start blowing more air and faster.

    Tips: Practice in front of a mirror so you can see when the tip of the gum is in the right position.

    There are many different brands of gum. Try all and see which fits you best.

    Try chewing more than one piece of gum, so that you can blow a bigger bubble.

    When you get good at this, you may want to try blowing a bubble inside of another bubble. To do this, just blow a bubble, seal it off with your lips, make another bubble with the remaining gum, and blow!

    Warnings: If you're wearing braces, use gum that won't stick to them, like Freedent. Otherwise, the gum will most probably stick to it and cause you a lot of trouble.

    Try not to get gum in your hair and clothes. If it does, use peanut butter or mayonnaise to get it out.

  3. If you mean chewing-gum just pretend it is bubble-gum and do the exact same thing, be careful not to stretch it over your tongue to much. It helps with more than one piece in your mouth.

  4. Ok, lets see..Also to the 1st answerer... woww... ur pretty bored

    but aniways

    Wrap the gum around the tip of your tounge. Like have some of the gum above and below your tounge, like hmmm a sandwich kinda. -_-

    Then blow the gum while its there, and thats all i can explain. Just keep trying and eventually youll get it.

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