
Can some one tell me how to use power tools to build a chicken pen???

by Guest67067  |  earlier

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Plez, i need help. I have had chickens since i was in kindergarden, im 14 now. And just recently my dad has become mean and wont help me build a chicken coop thats off the ground for my silkies. I dont want them on the ground bc every time i keep silkies in a pen like my other chickens, something eats/kills them. What I need to know i how to use a power saw. I know how to use a manual 1, Im scared of an electric, but a manual 1 would take to long to cut wood. Also i need help on how to use a drill. I have a very hard time putting screws in hard wood. Normally i keep my chickens on the ground, but with the fox numbers growing, and with them just attacked my chickens last month, i reall need pens off the ground. thanks.




  1. Using power tools when you are not familiar with them is dangerous. Nobody can TEACH you how to use them safely over the internet in a short amount of time. Maybe find a male friend who is a bit older and knows how to use power tools. You could lose fingers not knowing what you're doing.

  2. sounds like you need to get back on your dads good side! power tools are very dangerous for an inexperienced person!

  3. You need proper instruction before attempting this. The biggest issue here (and ALWAYS!) is safety. You'll need a mentor (grampa, uncle, or better yet...a shop teacher) to teach you the safe and proper use of not only power tools but hand tools as well. Home Depot offers free classes...but at your age I recommend a wood shop class, and it's fun too!

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