
Can some one tell me what i should bring?

by  |  earlier

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i dont now if any one nows what this is but i am working VBS (vaction bible school) this year at my church i get to walk around with a group of 3 and 4 year olds and bring them to different centers well i dont now what i should bring in a small backpack couse thats what is usally do i bring a backpack does any one have any suggestions on what i should bring and any suggestions on 3 and 4 year olds

ill take any thing you want to tell me it will help me





  1. I have been involved with VBS at several churches for many years. The VBS director and the church always provide everything that you need. This includes snacks, crafts, etc. I'm sure there is a manual and it sounds like you are going to be a helper, not a lead teacher. Get in touch with your lead teacher and she'll tell you if you need to bring anything other than a smile and a great attitude. Have fun.

  2. I agree with the first answer, also if you wanted to include a camera for pictures. Our church has an event board, that we hang pictures of all the events our church has had.

  3. Snacks like Cheetos and Cookies. Books so they can read, especially books that talk about bible stories! Movies, like Disney movies and Veggie Tales. Crayons so they can draw bible characters.

  4. Snacks (reward them and they love them anyways like cookies or gummies) ... a "Book of BIbile Stories" (because you are helping then learn about God right?) ... pencils/ crayons/ paper (because they love to draw and doodle since they sometimes can get easily bored) ... Napkins just in case there is a mess ... water and straws (for drinking) ... and your Bible.... just a few things. Hope this helps

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