
Can some one tell me what type of relationship this is..?.?

by  |  earlier

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so i met this guy at a science camp, actually we just made eye contant like a thousand timess. i kep saying to myself that i would say hi to this guy cuz well he is really attractive and kept looking at me. so after this camp was over i really regretted not saying ANYTHING to this guy so i looked his name up on facebook. i messaged him and basically introduced myself to him.

so we talked and talked and he added me as a friend on facebook. then he asked for my screen name and we would talk for like 5 hours each day. and then he asked for my phone number and i gave it to him. so we would talk on the phone from like 11 pm to 4 am. so yea we would talk sooooo much online and on the phone.

he also texted me a lot!! and then he asked me if he wanted to go to the movies or somthin so we went out for the first time and went to see pineapple express lol. it was kinda awkward cuz i had a huge crush on him so yea...

and then we talked a lot the next week and he asks me if he could com over to my town and chill. so yea we chilled for like 3 hours but towards the end of that dayy we started givein each other massages and he starts to massage by neck and then my b***s lol. i didnt mind that..

and so the next week goes by and he wants to ggo to the beach with me. so we go to the beach and we played basketball b/c we both enjoy it alot!!! and it was interesting cuz we would be all over each other, and yea we touched alottttt. he let me win lol. and so wee went into the water and he held me by waist and was rreally close too me the whole time.

he touched my stomach and everything and i was holding on to him real tight. we basically cuddled in the water. and then he picked me up and let the waves pass through me, it was funn. but yea we were soo close.

and then we kissed for the first time and made out like crazzy for 15 min.he also kissed my neck and b***s...

and yesterday was our 4th date and we jus chilled in his car. we made out a lot, he fingered me, i gave him a hand job.

the only problem i hav is that i dont think this is a serious relationship..i chip in for his gas money and we pay for our own foods, except one time he bought me pizza and hot chocolate..but yea wt the h**l he keeps saying ''im a special friend hes getting closer with''...

what do i do?




  1. If you don't think this is a serious relationship, why are you letting him finger you and giving him a hand job.

    You're being far to intimate for a casual relationship.

    That may be all he wants, but respect yourself, hon.  You can get a bad reputation doing thing like this.

    Good luck.

  2. Well, it sounds like you started off strong, but you went a bit fast.  I'd kinda slow it down and work on developing your special friendship more first.  You can still kiss and make out and stuff, but I wouldn't let it progress too far just yet.  You need to develop more than just the physical end of it.  

    Do you still talk a lot?  Next time you go on a date, spend most of it talking and enjoying yourselves together.  It sounds like you're doing a lot of the right things, maybe start introducing him to your friends a little bit.  You need to build some shared experiences together, really get to know how he will react in certain situations.  I'd probably recommend saving the below the pants stuff you've already started until after you're sure you like him as a person and not just because he's hot.  Start a relationship together before you progress physically, make sense?

  3. It sounds like you're a friends with benefits. It is convenient because you guys live in separate towns and don't have to be around eachother all the time. He may even have a girlfriend in his town and uses you as his little get-away fling. Just be blunt and ask him. Tell him what you want out of the relationship and then if he doesn't want the same thing, then obviously he is just in to you for s*x. I know it is hard to seriously put yourself out there and ask this huge question, but it's better than messing with someone else's man.

  4. I say go for it weather it works out or not just enjoy the moment....

  5. a boy one !!! lol idk

  6. It sounds like a case of friends with advantages.

  7. you moved waaaaay too fast! all this groping, fingering, etc. has let him know that HE HAS A CHANCE TO GET SOME! slow down, and have some self-respect so that he will respect you! =)

  8. hmmm... in one way, you have to listen to your head, which should be saying 'I need to slow down if I want him to respect me and if I want a relationship.'

    But then.. on the other hand, there's your desire. Which all of us give in to sometimes. You just want him to touch you and a part of you doesn't care where it goes and so on.

    It's just up to you, give in to your desire and have a great time, or hold off untill because you want it to be serious.. Also, consider what he wants.. does he want a relationship, or just fun?

    Good Luck =] Whichever you choose, you're lucky to have a good experience ..

  9. By the looks of it he's kinda using you. i am not that kind of guy and never will be. by him being all cudly and c**p hes trying to persuade you that hes a nice guy. it would help if i knew how old you were , then i can build of that but if you see hes just having s*x with you a lot then thats no relationship its a booty call.

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