
Can some rabbits be house-trained easier than others?

by Guest21174  |  earlier

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I have a Mini Hollland Lop and I was wondering if it was just his breed that makes it so he couldn't be litter box trained or if it was just me. I was only 15 when I got him so I didn't really know how to do it. Does anyone know or have advice to litter box rabbits in the future?




  1. Some are easier than others, but I've never had one that I couldn't litter train.  Neutering will help a lot with male rabbits, if it isn't done,t hey have the urge to spray urine all over to mark their territory.  Look here: for litter- training tips, it's not too late to litter train your rabbit at all.  A large box (like a big cat litter box) works much better than the ones they sell for rabbits.  It will also help to put a layer of hay in the box each day, they like to eat and poo at the same time.  They won't eat the hay they pee on, so don't worry about that.  

  2. Just like dogs, some breeds are more intelligent than others and may be more easy to train.

    I would check out this link with information about litter box training:

  3. no, i had 3 lops. 2 of them i tryed to litterbox train and only one of them did. the other refused. its just that some rabbits are stubborn. mine would throw the litter box across the cage, lol

    currently i have a rhinelander, and he's a bit stubborn sometimes, but he's house trained. what i did (your furture advice) is when i first got him i hopped into one corner and used it as a bathroom. after that just put the litter there. and he kept going to the bathroom. now he roams about the house and when he needs to go, he runs into my room and hops into his cage.  

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