
Can some women be born with a y chromosome but have all female parts?

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Can some women be born with a y chromosome but have all female parts?




  1. There are babies born that appear to be girls, but later on it is discovered that they have internal testes rather than ovaries and no uterus. These girls are XY but are androgen insensitive - that is the Y chromosome leads to production of male hormones but the cells in the developing embryo are unable to respond to them, so s*x determination reverts to producing a female and they are born as girls. I don't know whether complete insensitivity exists so that a female with fully functional reproductive organs is born, but these would be hard to find as they would never have any genetic testing.

  2. the Y chromosome is the main distinction between sexes. once one has a Y chromosome, that would depict that "he/she is a he"

    i hope i was able to answer your question :D

  3. There is a disorder called "Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome".

    This is where you are genetically XY, but you lack the receptors for the "androgen" hormones which signal your body to develop as a male. All embryos start off as female as the "default" route, and it is only the presence of the Y chromosome, and the production of androgen hormones, which cause development as a male.

    If your body cannot detect the androgens, then you develop as a female.

    Such people develop as females, and are perfectly anatomically normal - but they are infertile. They often don't discover their disorder until they try to have children.

  4. As the others have said, with a y chromosome a person cannot have ALL female parts. However an XY person missing a certain gene on their Y chromosome can develop to be female externally (with a v****a and b*****s) and mentally (due to hormone differences). They still have internal testes though, and no ovaries or uterus, and are sterile. A person like this is usually considered female. Some XXY people are like this as well.

    Other genetic abnormalities, including chimerism, can produce similar situations. Chimerism in humans is usually the result of fraternal twins (from two fertilized eggs) fusing in the womb. This way you get one person with two sets of DNA. If all the sexual organs are composed of material originally from a female twin, they will look and act (and be) female, but some portions of their body (say their arms, legs or head) could contain Y chromosomes from a male twin.

    So the short answer is "no", and the long answer is "kinda."

  5. Of course.  Look at Jamie Lee Curtis, first of all and my favorite example is ( I think this is her name) Bea Arthur "Dorothy" from the "Golden Girls".  If she has two x's then I just don't even know what....

  6. Having a Y chromosome or not is what determines gender.  I think the closest to what you're describing would be someone with Klinefelter syndrome, in which case they have an XXY chromosome.  The "Y" makes them male no matter what, but males with this syndrome may develop female parts due to a decrease in testosterone production brought about by the "XX" part of the chromosome.

    So to answer your question, you can't be born with a Y chromosome and be considered a female, at least genetically.

  7. umm well some people with the y chromosome are born with a female exterior but have testes instead of ovaries. there inside is very different

  8. No.

  9. Possible.  Look out for Chimerism (genetics)...  And just to add on, it's females hormones that does most of the job for females parts.

    According to chimerism, women be born with a Y might have micropenis in her genitals.    becoz of micropenis, male hormones cannot be express, and estrogen is be produced greatly.

    "A perfect and most beautiful women is actually a guy".  think about it.

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