
Can somebody Tell me the best things for baby teething?

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Can somebody Tell me the best things for baby teething?




  1. The best ive ever found is a hard vanilla wafer, you can sometimes find them at the supermarket, but you can always find a recipesome what messy , but by now your getting used to that. Best of sleepless nights,jack

  2. At wal-mart there are these tablets call teething tablets they are a life saver. They are all natural and have no side effects. When my son was 5 months old to my surprise he learned how to open the bottle. well he ate like 20 of them. I was terrified i called poison control in a panic thinking that I was going to have to call an ambulance and rush my son to the hospital. but i didn't they reassured me that he could have ate double or triple that amount and nothing would have happened. he was fine. I would not recommend anyone giving that many to there child. Any way you can find them in the baby section where the orajel is. They are a life saver. Once you try them you will never go with out them again. they are around 8 dollars a bottle but there is a lot in there. you just put them in your babies mouth and they instantly dissolve.  They work I don't know how people got through the teething process with out them.

  3. How old is your baby?

    usually if they are younger then about 5 months they dont get how to use teething rings and thing like that.

    Give you baby a cold wet wash cloth to chew on.

    Hope this helps! good luck.

  4. Hyland's teething tablets are great. We also alternate Motrin and Tylenol. He likes chewing on ice in a mesh feeder or chewing on vanilla wafers. He's never been crazy about teething rings. We also have a gum massager you put on your finger and rub the gums with and he totally loves that thing. When all else fails we give him a warm bath. It relaxes him and the bath toys take his mind off the pain of his mouth.

  5. Bonjela its in a blue tube. Or there is something called parsons powders? Its in a blue and white box. For some reason they like to chew on your finger though! Keeps them quiet but it really hurts!!

  6. teething tablets are awesome. i don't know how old your baby is but sometimes those teething rings are so huge for their little hands so a wet frozen wash cloth works really good.  

  7. Calgel works really well - it's available from your chemist without prescription. Parson's Powder is good too.

    Mind your fingers when you apply, though !

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