
Can somebody explain a simple design for creating colloidal silver?

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I have some 99.99 pure silver rods, think its like 10 guage or 12 guage size, how much current and voltage should I be running through it to make small particle ionic colloidal silver, how would I test the ppm of it. Last time i tried, I got a of black buildup in the water, with distilled water.




  1. If you try to make your own colloidal silver you are likely to end up with 100% ionic silver which is grossly inferior to true colloidal silver which is usually a mixture of 50-80% of true colloidal silver plus 20-50% of ionic silver.

    If you want further information you can find it in web searches for "colloidal silver facts" and "true colloidal silver products".

  2. There are colloidal silver generators that produce ionic colloidal silver with very large silver particles.

    A colloidal silver generator consists of a variable of components including a 9 volt battery 2 silver leads and hopefully distilled water, = 5ppm or less colloidal silver, large particles of silver that are hard to absorb by the body, but is better than no colloidal silver at all.

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