
Can somebody explain the drive for feminism?(Correct me if some of the things I say are incorrect)?

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Maybe for things like polygamy or make it work both ways, feminism can apply.

But Honestly, these days feminism is not that applicable women are getting to a point where they are actually at an advantage in todays society. Divorce courts=bias. In rape, if a woman accuses it is very hard for the man to be proved innocent. And for those who complain about visual sexism, it works both ways. And finally, most issues of sexism, like sexual harassment, are crimes. So whats up?




  1. As an equalist, I abhor feminism. Because I abhor all s*x-based and race-based ideologies. They are all socially divisive.

    And I do not care about women's rights and men's right. I care about PEOPLE's rights.

    Feminism is past its sell-by date. Equalism is the future.

  2. In today's society women still do not get paid equal money for the same days work as men do.

    In divorce, nobody wins, and for women, particularly with children, it is a ticket to poverty.

    The majority of rape cases are not brought before the courts at all as there is no justice for the victim. The victim finds themselves on trial - everything from the way they dress to their sexual history is scruitinised and all on public record.

    Visual sexism is not just a feminist matter - it's about protection of innocence for our children and brings up issues for young girls such as body image, self esteem etc. It places pressure on the young to grow up too fast, and this places them in danger of sexual exploitation, harrassment and in some cases, abuse. It takes a whole community to bring up children.

    Most issues of sexism occur in underprivilleged communities and are unreported, not to mention accepted  as part of everyday culture, and in some cultures is accepted as part of 'religious' practices. Not listed as crimes as you would seem to think.

    So what's up you ask? It is the duty of those in positions of privilege, with almost-equal conditions in society to stand up and fight for those who are still oppressed by their societies, governments, religions, families, systems, law-courts, educations (or lack of)... the list goes on.

    Ever heard of the one-child policy? Female infanticide? Female circumcision? Bride burning? Taliban led oppression? Best get off this website and hit wikipedia don't you think? All these things and more still happen to this very day.

    Oh - and in today's society in a first world country, women still don't have equal pay.

  3. I agree with you.  There is more of a legal need for men's rights at the moment than women's.  While the true need for feminism is now in other nations, the topics discussed here seem to not show that because of the negative stereotypes or name calling many make about our own society.  As stated before there is a need for legal equality in the family court system, which I believe is progressing. But sadly both still have difficulties reporting acts of sexism or harassment and there are still labels that go a long with even victim roles of sexism and harassment.

    This is a social problem which the legal system cannot fix.

  4. Feminism had to happen, i mean the years of oppression against women it was awful, now feminism is a fight for equality (not just women) i know alot of male feminists, its just the whole feminism = angry man hating women is travelling around and it is honestly a load of c**p.

    First off the hole divorce court thing, both women and men have a good chance if they both have a good job, both good parents i dont think it sound comes down to gender that is sexist and i know of a case where is has gone to the mother (good choice in this case though) but i also know a father who gained custody of the child because the mother was well lets just say unable to properly care for the child....

    In the case of rape i see why you would think women have the 'advantage in court' but i know a man who raped 4 women and he got away with all of them and i will just put it out there that his stupid dad is a judge and well liked in the town i come from, his son moved and nothing has been done.... so its not just gender it comes down to who you know (sadly)!! He should be locked away.

    I also know a boy who was attacked but he was to afraid to go to court... That's why feminism is still around... it is a fight to stop rape (whatever the gender) to stop this corrupt court system and try to gain a little equality.

    I understand there are the radical feminists who go on about how bad men are and how only women should have this and that but that truly isn't feminism, to say all men are bad is ignorant.. i dont like some men i also dont like some women it comes down to personality (and i am a feminist)...

    But lets face it the world is run by middle aged white old men and the world is pretty much almost fully flushed down the toilet.  


    SeekingTruth has some really good points!!

  5. Feminism has done a lot to improve laws and living conditions for women and I know our situation is not the same as it was 100 years ago when women couldn't vote or be considered a person. However, individual attitudes are a lot harder to change than laws and that's where the bulk of sexism lies today.

    Women are still held at a greater standard of appearance. An overweight women is looked on as lazy and unintelligent, where as an overweight man is assumed to be a funny guy who just doesn't worry about his looks.

    Even if you read some questions in this forum, hopefully they don't represent the norm, but men and women still believe that the female species is less intelligent, less able and is by nature, only suited to nurture a family. These beliefs are very harm-full to women which is why feminism's role now is to educate the public, especially young females, to show how capable woman are and that they're worth isn't determined by what value men place on them.

  6. I'm glad this question was clear that you were curious, if it wasn't then most would consider you a troll (i.e. make sure legitimate questions are clearly marked)

    To answer your question: While it appears that women and men are equal, fact is they're not. The problem is not more covert discrimination called systemic discrimination. This type of discrimination skews views and puts women at a disadvantage. Examples of this are professions that are female dominated (referred to commonly as "women's work") such as teaching, nursing, child care and many others are paid at a far lower rate than male dominated jobs even if qualifications take the same amount of time are have similar levels of prerequisites to achieve.

    Another example are views against women. Some of these views include rape victims "dressing provocatively" and asking why victims of domestic abuse stay with their violent partners rather than asking why the abuser is abusive. It is the covert nature of this that is being tackled by feminists today, not the obvious discrepancies that existed in years gone by.

    PS. Divorce court 'bias' that is claimed (whether or not it still exists) is based on views that women get custody of the children because that is their role in life and it is the role of men to go out and work. This is prejudice that feminists are trying to remove (it also has benefits for men in these same divorce courts that you are claiming bias against).

    PPS. In rape it may be harder now to defend against it, but previously it was difficult to stop rapists because of the views that victims were asking for it rather than it being about control (which is what it is about). It is now much more likely that the guilty parties will be court and that innocent people will get off but what you seem to be indicating is that there is a reduction in the "physical" evidence needed, but rape has very little "physical" evidence and other forms of evidence need to be considered in cases where "physical" evidence may be reduced (such as rapists claiming consentual s*x or cleaning the victim or using condoms and other protective measures.

  7. Feminism is designed to keep the playing field tilted to women's advantage.

    It has nothing to do with equality.

  8. That does seem like a good question

    In the case of emergency, give way to women and children.

    This is of course not asking too much because women are naturally physically inferior to men.

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