
Can somebody explain these news bloopers for me?

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i don't understand some of these news bloopers,

the 2nd, 3rd, 13th, 16th, 20th, and the 23rd bloopers


it's on this website:




  1. The second news blooper means that the shuttle was traveling 19,426,551,282 km/h. That is way too fast!

    Mark Foley was in the Congress at the time of the picture. He was not a former congressmen.

    On #13 a Japanese flag is on the moon instead of a Chinese flag.

    I believe that #16 means we really aren't winning the peace. Honestly, I don't quite understand it either.

    The twentieth picture is when CNN declared that all the miners trapped in West Virginia were alive. It turns out that only one of them was still living.

    The bottom of #23 doesn't make any sense at all. I think that is what they are referring to, but I'm not sure.

  2. 2 - "shuttle traveling nearly 18 times speed of light" - speed of light is 299,792,458 metres per second!!!  Mistaken for speed of sound which is 1235 km / hr.

    3 - the underlying script "has been found guilty of falsifying" is a separate news item and not refering to Mark Foley whose sexually explicit instant messages  to underagers scandal led to his resignation.

    13 - :) good one - that's the Japanese Flag

    16 - like no. 3, the underlying script and main page are two different stories, but when read as one become "winning the peace of powerful earthquakes and aftershocks" - nonsensical.  Hence editor's reference to California

    20 - The top caption says 12 are dead, whereas larger caption says 12 alive

    23 - like 3 & 16 - linking bottom caption to suspected murderer story

    Hope this helps

  3. I'll do more than just those

    1 is saying that Bush was the worst national disaster to hit the US

    2 was saying that a shuttle was going way to fast for any real shuttle

    3 Mark Foley was in congress not a former congressman


    5 is calling him a ******

    6 there is a guy with a shirt that says "**** this ****." in the background

    7 the 2 guys look the same

    8 says "second line of text entered here

    9 idk

    10 he has to be dead or alive.

    11 calls her "a white ho"

    12 wang=d**k

    13 china sucks at electronics and thats japans flag

    14 i don't think they meant Obama

    15 i wish to

    16 they spelled earthquakes wrong a the bottom

    17 idk

    18 its just says aagggggg

    19 i think that one is stupid

    20 wrong picture

    21 i don't think they're supposed to say ******

    22 idk that one either

    23 "are belong to us" is incorrect grammar

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