
Can somebody explain to me how jack-up a floor?

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Can somebody explain to me how jack-up a floor?

I have a friend who have a hot-tub on her deck,and the wheit of it make the floor bow on the middle.Can it be fix or she need a new deck?




  1. You really dont need floor jacks for an area that small like suggested..the methid he stated is correct..but yiou can use just a couple of 2 ton hydraulic jacks like they sell at walmart for 20.00 apiece..they will work fine..

  2. You don't jack the floor, you jack the support beams.

    That deck has been over-stressed, and should be evaluated

    by someone who knows his business.

  3. sure it can. crawl under the deck with a jack, a tape measure, and some scrap 2x4. run a short joist perpendicular across the sunken area. set the jack on the 2x and jack up the deck. measure and cut whatever you want to use for the new support posts, 4x4 probably. you can cut the  secure with a drill and screws. make certain the screws dont go trough the deck. you may have to do this in several places.

    works every time.

  4. First empty the water out of the hot tub. Then rent some house jacks and raise the deck to the desired level. Set some more piers under the hot tub to support the weight. Remove the jacks and refill the hot tub.

  5. If the floor is sagging, the floor joist may be way undersized. Jacking up the undersized joist is not the solution. The floor can still fail and collapse. Call a carpenter to properly size the joist and add additional bracing for the weight capacity of the Hot tub plus the water.

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